(Is it a double post if they're two days apart? :P) Alright, the rl campaign was quite a success! We were supposed to play Kingdoms of Khoyee for a couple hours and we ended up playing it for five and had to leave because the store was closing haha. The beginning flaws were made clear to me and I'll be working those out. Some roles, like Beastmaster had an issue where if you didn't have the first skill you couldn't earn Beastmaster experience, and if you didn't earn experience you couldn't unlock the skill, so that will have to be fixed. There's plenty to work on but the game is fun and that is the main thing when it comes to making something like this. On a different note I wanted to announce... [h1]THE BANDIT MAKING CONTEST[/h1] Starting Monday (when the rp begins) and concluding Friday night 6pm PST, you guys can come up with character sheets and skills for bandits. I'll go through the list and pick out some of my favorites and those will be added to the Codex under characters. Those bandits can, and will, be used for any of the campaigns going on with any of the parties. Those bandits can end up getting killed, hired by another party, or a number of other things that your creative minds come up with. [b]Creating a Bandit[/b] [list] [*]Bandits, much like any other NPC, bandits are just like players. They have the same stats and Roles to choose from. The only difference between an NPC and a player is they have no primary and secondary bonuses towards experience and thus will eventually be outranked by players even if they live just as long. [*]Bandits shouldn't surpass Tier III gear and it is recommended you keep it to Tier I and Tier II so new players can fight them early game. [*] To submit a bandit simply post the character sheet here on the forum with the heading, Bandit Contest Entry [*] You can submit any number of bandits you come up with, just make sure you have a good understanding over how character leveling works so your bandits make sense compared to players. Bandits that do not follow the rules and guidelines will not be accepted. [/list] [b]Prize[/b] Pride in your work! Really though your bandits will be placed in the world and I'll try to inform you on their status be it killing players or kicking the bucket. [b]Starts[/b] Monday, April 30th 12PM PST [b]End[/b] Friday, May 4th 6PM PST ----- Alright guys that about does it for me tonight. I'll work on some more things and get us ready for Monday! ----- Edit #1: I've got a todo list of things that need done, short blades need worked on, Casters needs skills, and you guys need some maps to play on. I do have a concern I need fleshed out and I'm open to ideas from you guys. As you know my goal here is to have it so multiple parties playing at the same time and so far that's looking good. We have a party of 5 here on the forums, a party of my friends that has six people, and then a small party of two of my brothers playing. So that makes two offline parties and one online one. When it comes to interactions we can work through those, I'm not sure if you're on discord but most of my friends are so if we ever have pvp or something we can setup a day to do it there. That's no problem, the issue is time progression. In an MMO when you go offline your character vanishes from the world, but our characters can't just vanish here between post or between sessions offline. They have to remain in order for this multiple party system to make sense. My current thought is to make real life days equal a set amount of in game time, like 1 rl day equals 1 in game hour, or something along those lines. That isn't a perfect system though so I'm open to suggestions and see if we come up with anything. Alright guys take care and with luck I'll be able to get you started on your adventure tomorrow!