Zelraka rose and eyebrow as the beam tore across the room and struck him with a flash of brilliant light. A radiant cascade of emerald lights pierced out from the impact point, rushing through the neo-ultima beam and back across the room. Small holes formed wherever the light struck, leaving burn marks and dropping small pieces of rock to the floor. But, almost as if tearing away a shower curtain, Zelraka's hand began to divert the beam away while pushing past it with his body. His arm struggled to hold Zios' attack back, but ultimately grasped it like solid matter, and sent a pillar of his own energy down the center of the beam [i]discreetly,[/i] straight back towards its owner. Such a sneaky attack didn't befit Rajaka, and Zelriane lacked the raw killing power to pull it off on his own. Regardless, it seemed the two of them had joined to create something truly terrifying. A power-house with the ability to [i]think.[/i]