[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjg3MWJmOC5UV0Z5ZVhaaGJHVSwuMAAA/south-gardens-personal-use.regular.png[/img] AND [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjhjZGVkYy5VSEpwYm1ObGMzTWdRWHA1Ylc0LC4x/aurella.script.png[/img][/center] [color=darkviolet][u][b] W A R R O O M [/b][/u][/color] [color=darkviolet][u][b] S O U T H E R N J E W E L [/b][/u][/color] [color=darkviolet][u][b] K R O N - N E S I S [/b][/u][/color] The Grand Marshal chuckled at Illyarion's perceptiveness. He was most certainly a sharp one. But he continued before he could answer, and Lenius listened careully. He understood his friend's worry - he himself was worried for the safety of not only the princess, but his own daughter. But alas, things were never so simple. [color=gray]"I suppose I've gone somewhat senile, what in my old age."[/color] Replied Lenius with a smile. [color=gray]"But I'm afraid this isn't a result of that particular problem. The king has ordered it so, and I won't disobey."[/color] Before Illyarion could speak, the Grand Marshal spoke up; now it was his turn to talk over him. [color=gray]"That said, I have no intention of letting either of them die before me. Maryvale is a competent warrior, a knight of my own blood, and the princess is hardly a fool when it comes to the blade. They will be under my [i]direct[/i] command, and I will therefor ensure their safety."[/color] He seemed to speak as though he were giving an order - a no-nonsense kind of approach. Despite is stern words, he softened slightly as his eyes turned back to Maryvale and the princess. [color=gray]"That said, I have no intention of allowing them onto the field without the appropriate level of caution. If you insist on taking them under your protection, then perhaps you and your Ravenguard could ensure their survival? My heart would be at-ease knowing that."[/color] Maryvale was silent while her father spoke. She often kept quiet during times such as these; Lenius had instilled an obedience to authority within her. Azymn, on the other hand, liked to ask questions and make statements, given her own authority. She was glad to hear the Grand Marshal's confidence in her and her retainer, though Illyarion's skepticism made her frown. [color=lightskyblue]"Sir Myriavin, I can assure you, I am no typical princess. I know how to defend myself, and under your Ravenguard's protection, I see no reason we will not see the end of this campaign."[/color] [color=gray]"She isn't Maryvale, but she's stronger than your common soldier, I can vouch for her."[/color] He gave the elven man a look of understanding, hinting that the two had trained before. Though, this would be news not only to Illyarion, but also to Maryvale. [color=gray]"That said, she will be a target both on the field and off, so you will need to keep an eye on her at all hours, should you accept."[/color] The Grand Marshal's attention then turned to Pox, who had yet to speak up. [color=gray]"If something were to happen, however, I've word our friend here is more than capable of handling her Highness' ailments. Terrible apologies for my lack of mannerisms, by the way: I am the Grand Marshal of Kron-Nesis. I'm hoping you live up to your reputation, Pox. While I don't doubt the skill of her company, you are almost certainly needed on this expedition. If not for the princess, then my daughter, Maryvale, will require your assistance time and again. Her magic is self-inflicting, so keep that in mind as you treat her."[/color] He gave Pox room to speak his mind as well as anything else Illyarion wanted to say, before immediately following up with: [color=gray]"Before we get into anything else, let it be known why you're here. A warcamp is being amassed to the north, which is where you'll be headed. Head to the border town of Lyserene. That's where many of our army will be headed."[/color] Many knew Lyserene to share the border of Kron-Nesis and Eamonvale. Going beyond that town would lead to a direct act of trespassing, and could provoke a war. Unless... [color=gray]"I will explain more about the situation, strategy, and formations of our forces once all is accounted for. Until then, don't press me for questions I cannot answer."[/color] [hr] [@Claw2k11][@ShwiggityShwah] Sorry it sucks ;-; Not been doing much writing lately. Trying to get things moving again, though! XD