[@liferusher] [i]More distractions, just what I needed right now.[/i] Sieg thought in his mind as he shrugged off the friction of the rope in his fast descent, intent on reaching the sources of the screams. A lot of things could wait. Even so, when he hear about the piece of gear thrown his way, he made a mental effort to catch it, and listen to the instructions on how to use it. It felt as a disgusting way to wash off guilt, but he accepted it nonetheless. There was no such thing as too many tools when delving in this unnatural precipice that was the Abyss. He continued descending, his eyes peering out for the signs of the flame bolt he had thrown earlier, to make more accurate estimates. When the rope ran out, he began to laboriously use the device to descend. Eventually he noticed the flicker of flame, as he redoubled his efforts to find the little girl's crash site. [i]Please let her be alive. I would hate to haul a mangled corpse back up.[/i] He thought to himself as he inhaled and began to call. [h3]OOOI! Little Girl! We're coming for you, hang in there![/h3]