[center][h2][color=fff200]Gabriel[/color][/h2][/center][hr] "Oooh, heya Henry. Looks like we're bunkmates huh? Cool." All things considered, she should probably be a bit more concerned with having a boy in her room, but then again, did social graces even count for much when said boy was a mass of insects with no actual body? Probably not. Anyway. "Sure, lemme help you with that." She opened the drawer, allowing the wasps inside. Well, it was evident that he wouldn't be needing the bed. Afterwards she piled all of her stuff in a corner, resolving to unpack properly later. Of course, she also pulled out a stick of jerky to munch on while doing so. It was at this point that the great dumbass herself barged in. The girl entered, blidnfolded for whatever f^(&ing reason, and promptly tossed her stuff to her. The girl managed to catch the luggage with an 'oof', struggling to maintain balance. Gabriel's vision went red, but unfortunately for her, the death glare she directed at Reina was blocked by the blindfold over her eyes. [i]Inhale. Exhale.[/i] Calming down though not by much, the brunette proceeded towards the other girl, luggage still in hand, then promptly dropped it on her face. "Maybe watch where you're f*#@ing tossing your sh!@ next time, ah?" she said, with deceptive calm.[hr] [@Indra] [@Duoya]