[h2]Kurultai, Avarga[/h2] The great hall where the Kurultai was being held was nearly silent. The only sound that could be heard was the roar of a snow storm. The Khaganate's capital had been on lockdown due to the massive storm, but the people that were supposed to go to the Kurultai were still able to attend. "Greetings everyone, and welcome to the daily meeting of the Kurultai." said Yuri Lanist, Khan of the Lanist Khaganate, breaking the silence. "As first order of business I would like to announce the temporary resignation of General Katie Anderson from the Kurultai. She had spoken to me about this after yesterday's Kurultai, and she wanted to let you know that she was resigning temporarily because she thought it was too stressful for her. She won't be leading any armies or campaigns for a while either. Her replacement is the man you see sitting in the seat where she used to sit in, General Teo Escamilla" General Teo stood up and said "Hello, I am general Teo Escamilla. I swear to serve the people of the Khaganate and the Kurultai as best as I can. I am currently in charge of the defense of our southern border against any potential threats, and will be in command of the landship once it's been repaired until General Anderson gets better." [i]Probably because she nearly got herself killed a few weeks ago[/i] General Nurzhan thought to himself [i]Nevertheless, it was her own fault for blindly trusting the enemy. She really shouldn't have done that.[/i] "Alright, now I would like to know the progress on the ANCHIN project. General Nurzhan, you have been appointed as the leader of it a month earlier, correct?" Yuri said as he looked at the general's direction. Now it was General Nurzhan's turn to speak, and he stood up. With his usual lack of emotion he said "I have indeed been appointed as the project's leader. We are doing quite well. The researchers in my headquarters in the east of the Khaganate have been working very hard on upscaling the power armor models, and we have been working together with the Ministery of Science to design a nuclear reactor that is powerful enough to power the machine, yet small enough to fit inside it. It of course also has to be light enough so not much of the energy that is generated by the reactor will be used to carry it around. We have also been working closely together with the AIR to manufacture the parts we need, but I would like to request the Core to start building more specialized facilities rather than the mass-production factories there are in the area now." "AIR core, please make it so, we want the ANCHIN project to be done as soon as possible, it is vital to fighting any future conflicts with the State of Ubrax to the south, as well as the defense of our ocean to the west. Also, what is the progress on the repair of the landship, and what is the status of civilian and military industrial production in general?" The robot sitting on the opposite side of General Nurzhan stood up. It was a rather crude, humanoid robot, not made too look like a human to avoid creeping out the other people sitting table. A stereotypical robotic voice came from a speaker somewhere in the head. "Landship repairs are proceeding fairly well, although a lot of damage has been done to it. The creatures that the fleet encountered are apparently capable of doing a lot more harm than was anticipated. Civilian production is okay, although there is a slight shortage on consumer goods while too much food is being produced. We are currently building extensive underwater factory complexes in the sea to the west, made for producing the TITAN-class NMR robots." "In addition to that," Minister of science Isaac Plant added, "we are doing quite well on the space program, if I say so myself. The AIR has been integral to both the design and manufacture of the satellites we plan to launch into space. However, we have been struggling slighly with the construction of rockets, and were forced to buy them from the Ceoniral Kingdom, a space-age human kindom to the south-east of here, south of the strange menace the landship fleet came across a lot earlier." "Alright, that is okay for know, but I want that we will be able to build our own rockets as soon as possible." The Khan said. "This should conclude our daily meeting, and I assume you are all very busy with things and should get going again." [quote=@CmdrAlfieq] "If you only abide to the embassy term with changes that is alright, then this pact cannot be a non-aggression pact because there's no alteration or certain involvement from a military and more like.. err.. you know.. A 'diplomatic establishment of two nations' treaty. Can we forge a short compensation or compromise from a demilitarized zone for something else that you're wishes to change? I'm not going home peacefully with a partial, half completed diplomatic mission!" tempered by the Kronfurter. [/quote] "I am sorry," the diplomat said, "but we are simply not going to give up the military control of that part of the sea. It is too vital to the survival of the Lanist Khaganate, and if it is truly a term for the non-agression pact, we cannot and will not accept the non-agression pact."