Above the new shopping center a medium sized hover craft loomed about 100 meters above the roof. Painted jet black and with high tech engines that could outrun any police vehicle in the city the ship is quite an intimidating sight for any police who would try to give chase to say the least. It's crew, however, was a complete different story. The crew was formed of the most hardened and merciless criminals you could find in the region. Together the made up the infamous crime group called the black ring. Now a mere 100 meters above the mall 17 men of different species from the black ring stood preparing their weapons and equipment for a raid on a jewelry store that was housed in the shopping center called "Cut". The store belonged to one of the richest gem cutters in the Skyline area named Colroy Geat. The only thing that marked the men of the black ring was every one of them was wearing a black skull mask which was upgraded with a high tech HUD that could pick up threats, non-threats, security cameras, ect. In the middle of the group Jet sat with his back leaned against the wall of the ship, he had already checked his gear over multiple times and was now waiting for the leader of the raid, Splice, to give the order to attack. Splice was a giant reptilian who stood over 7 feet tall and his heart was as cold as his blood. 15 minutes went by before the sliding door on the side of the craft slowly and silently slid open with a small hiss. Splice walked over to the edge and looked down, they were directly on top of the jewelry store. [color=ed1c24]"Alright worms you all know the mission so i wont waste my breath explaining it again, take everything and leave nothing."[/color] The reptilian said through clenched teeth, [color=ed1c24]"Oh and one last thing, waste any cop or security who stands in out way."[/color] With those final words he jumped out of the ship and descended on the roof. Jet stood up readied his weapon and prepared to descend.