[center][color=Red][h2]Swords of Legend[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] [hider=Ursa Mater] [center][h1][color=darkorange]Ursa Mater[/color][/h1] [color=darkorange][b]Legendary Sword[/b][/color] [/center] [color=darkorange][u][b] Pᴏweʀs [/b][/u][/color] [indent]-Can summon Telum dei[/indent] [color=darkorange][u][b] Wɪᴇʟdᴇʀ [/b][/u] [/color] [indent]Seihdhara[/indent] [color=darkorange][b][u] Aᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ [/u][/b][/color] [indent](coming soon)[/indent] [color=darkorange][u][b] Mᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ [/b][/u][/color] [indent](coming soon)[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Purity] [center][h1]Purity[/h1][b]Legendary Living Sword[/b] [b]Level One[/b][/center] [u][b] Pᴏweʀs [/b][/u] [indent]-Rebukes Corruption >On touch >Small aoe effect[/indent] >Corruption burns with pure white flame where cut [u][b] Aʟɪɢɴᴍᴇɴᴛ [/b][/u] [indent]Lawful Good[/indent] [u][b] Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ [/b][/u] [indent](coming soon)[/indent] [u][b] Wɪᴇʟdᴇʀ [/b][/u] [indent]Newygnong[/indent] [b][u] Aᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ [/u][/b] [indent]The blade is held in a long white sheath, ornamented with shapes and materials reminiscent of Newygnong's magnificent carapace. Unsheathed, it has an astonishing silver blade, an ornate golden crosspiece, and a night black handle with strips of white string forming the grip. Upon being bound to Newygnong, the blade was highlighted with wisps of yellow, orange, and red.[/indent] [u][b] Mᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ [/b][/u] [indent](coming soon)[/indent] Prestige: 0 [/hider] [hider=Future Blades] [color=Lightblue] Windsong [/color] [color=Brown] Earthshatter [/color] [color=C45AEC] Shadowdancer [/color] [color=Maroon] Oni [/color] [color=Red] Lifedrinker [/color] [color=Lightgreen] Chaos [/color] [color=Gold] Sepharim [/color] [color=orange] Hellblade [/color] [/hider]