Feet pounding against the pavement, Shingo sprinted as fast as he could down the street towards the park; this close to the epicentre the streets were filled with people, most rushing in the opposite direction but several just standing around hoping to get a look at the action. So many people treated these fights as a spectator sport that it always made getting their quickly difficult. He tried to avoid barging people out of his way in his haste, calling out for everyone to clear the way as he approached, but more than once he jostled someone on the way past. [color=f7941d]“MOVE ASIDE! HERO COMING THROUGH!”[/color] He had his aura active, his lower legs surrounded in a glowing orange aura as he gathered power each time his feet hit the ground, his quirk absorbing the kinetic energy of each step. By the time he reached the park he should have built up a nice reserve of power to get things started with. From past experience he knew his main problem in a fight was resource management; running out of power was a big deal and although he could easily get more, it was risky and it was always better to end things as soon as possible. “We take you back to our live camera feed of the action. Hideo, tell us what you can see?” Shingo slid to a stop as he passed an electronics store, the full window display showing a news channel with footage of the park. The space outside the store was packed with people, but Shingo was tall enough to see over most peoples’ heads and catch some of what was going on. The footage was clearly being taken from a news helicopter, the view being high above the action and constantly circling around for a better angle. “The villain appears to have been apprehended. An unknown person, possible a new hero has trapped with Twisted Metal with cords made out of some dark material. Not long ago another person we have identified as the vigilante Nuke arrived on the scene and someone else just arrived at the edge of the park. It looks like… ERASERHEAD! Yes, the pro hero Eraserhead just arrived to deal with the situation.” Shingo left the store behind as people began to cheer, breaking out into another sprint. With three people on the scene to deal with the villain it was likely things would be over before he arrived, but even so he kept heading in the direction of the park. Something told him things weren’t going to go so smoothly. ---- [color=fff200]“Hmmm? What going on?”[/color] Taking another bite of her triple decker burger, Alina walked into the flowing tide of people. For some reason everyone seemed to be running away from the direction of the park, the crowd of people parting around her instinctively as they tried to put as much distance as they could between them and the crazed villain. Most of them seemed to be families, pairs of people carrying children between them or on their shoulders. Curious, Alina followed the flow in the opposite direction to find its source, soon ending up alone on a street one row of buildings away from the park. She found the mouth of an alleyway between two shops and walked down it, only to find her path blocked by someone in a uniform. A young police officer barred her path, holding up a hand to signal her to stop as he held up his other arm out to the side to physically block the alleyway. “I’m sorry miss, you can’t go through here; there is a situation with a villain in the park. You’ll be able to go through once the heroes have apprehended the suspect and we have finished our investigation.” Alina leaned to the side to look past the officer curiously. She couldn’t see anything from here but if she listened carefully she thought she could hear something like laughter. [color=fff200]“Aww, you can’t let me through? Spoilsport.”[/color] “I’m afraid not miss. Please turn around and leave the area for your own safety.” [color=fff200]“But it sounds so fun over there.”[/color] With a sigh Alina raised the rest of her burger to her mouth and then opened her jaw wide. She slightly extended her second mouth outwards and swallowed the remainder of the oversized burger in one bite, not even needing to chew as the food disappeared as soon as the teeth met with a snap. The young officer looked very nervous suddenly. Even when the second mouth retreated back inside he didn’t look reassured, though this may have had something to do with Alina’s wide mouthed grin which showed off all of her sharp teeth. [color=fff200]“Hmm, I’m still hungry. I need something else to eat.”[/color] As the officer tried to take a hesitant step back Alina snapped out a hand and grabbed his still outreached arm, her strong grip keeping him firmly in place. [color=fff200]“You look tasty. Itadakimasuuuuuu~~~”[/color] .... A few minutes later Alina walked out of the alleyway on the park side. She crossed over the quiet street and walked through the open gates into the park itself. It wasn’t hard to follow the sounds of carnage to find the excitement and she soon found what she was looking for. Alina found a nice shady tree to stand under as she watched the fight between Shade and Twisted Metal, smiling wide as drops of scarlet fell from her blood soaked chin.