I'm wanting to do a roleplay based in the fictional suburb of Homer Park. It's location is relevant, just know that the enirety of it will happen in Homer Park. Physically it appears the size of a standard suburb yet sometimes it fills much bigger. In the middle of it there is a skyscraper of an apartment complex that stands awkwardly in the midst of normal sized buildings throughout the township. The main thing of note there,besides the occupants, is the empty room next to the laundromat which occasionally closes shut due to the forces on the other side; the door opens for a brief moment revealing stange lights, and if one enters then, they will find themselves in the company of ghosts. Officially, there is no reason for this happening; moreover, attempts have been made to permanently seal the entrance, only to find the work put upon the door displaced to another, previously working door. But that is just one building in Homer Park. There is also the crazed bread pouch salesman who operates outside the suburb's namesake: Homer Park. Each bread pouch is filled with a substance that you can be assured hasn't been tasted by someone else at least in that day; sometimes gold, sometimes poison. The cunning man who matches the mad Baker is none other than his lawyer brother who first argured somewhat controversially not just for assisted suicide but for assisted homicide. " Suppose someone signs a contract that states that certain side effects are not to be the fault of the business owner. The value of the fried bread pouch is the... Surprise!" Mario used to own a general italian eatery before the feds got wind of his money laundering. These aspects of Homer Park merely serve as an example for the kind of place Homer Park was, is, and always will be. A place that you leave to find that it's home again. In RP's based in this setting I will be playing a longtime resident of Homer Park with your character visiting for some reason. The theme of the rolpeplay will start out slice of life but will gradually shift as more is revealed about the town. I will be playing a male character who will do romance with a female but otherwise the relationship will be platonic.