[@KatherinWinter] [color=brown] 'Just Griffin...got it.' [/color] Richard thought as he approached the two police officers. It took him a minute or so of explaining to convince them that the light they saw originated from the pocket flashlight he had on him. The officers accepted the excuse with little to no issue, and reminded Richard be more professional next time. With the police convinced that he just used a light to check on the man, he moves on to the more difficult people to convince. The kind of difficult that would need a little memory replacement via Bureau issue neuralizer. Richard prepares himself and shakes off the feelings of anxiety, as he knew that one misspoken word or statement would just cause him more problems. Walking there, he sees the paramedic was still in shock but was repetitively re-examining and questioning the formerly injured man over and over to reaffirm himself that what he saw was true and he wasn't hallucinating. While the man Richard healed was even more dumbfounded than the paramedic but was quickly getting irritated by the incessant and repetitive actions of the said paramedic. [b]"How many more times do I have to say it? I. don't. know. what. happened. The guy just walks up to me and there was something bright in his hands then all my injuries were gone."[/b] the man replied to the paramedic, irritated but kept from raising his voice. The paramedic, gently shook his head side to side and let out a deep breath before speaking up. [b]"So...It was some sort of miracle or something?"[/b] The man nods ans replies with a quick but still irritated 'yeah'. [b]"Alright, alright. No need to get upset, sir. I'm just making sure...I better go talk to the guy about this."[/b] It was then Richard stepped in and gave them both a friendly nod. [color=brown] "No need to do that gents. If you would follow me I'll answer all your questions. We just need to find a more...quiet place." [/color] The two had reason to distrust the strange man, but he could provide an explanation that they both needed, so they follow him without question. Richard leads them to the alley way. Richard looks around for witnesses but finds that it was just the three of them. He stops and turns to face the two and pulls out the neuralizer and sets it to past 10 minutes before asking them to look at the small metal device. The two look intently at the device as Richard covers his, as the flash goes off. The two gaze blankly at him as he clears his throat and looks at the paramedic. [color=brown] "Okay, There has been a misunderstanding here. You may have saw my hand glow and heal someone, but that's crazy talk. In truth, his injuries were not that bad and you managed an amazing job patching him up. I just came over to check if the guy was still. Got it?" [/color] He faces the other man. [color=brown] "You got patched up real well by this gentleman here. Also that light you saw from my hands? That was a small flashlight I used to check you." [/color] He now looks at both of them. [color=brown] "If anybody asks, that is what happened alright? Good. Stay safe and I hope you guys have a peaceful rest of the evening." [/color] Richard walks out of the alley and walks towards Griffin. [color=brown] "Si-uhh-Griffin. The witnesses have been dealt with." [/color]