[centre][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9Ac2DQYAzM8vauUwFHgoVCdydWIAPtaLdQ_x3OML7mA/http/txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi43MDM3MDAuVW05emN3LCwuMA%2C%2C/jmh-holy-bible.regular.png[/img][/centre] Ross sat there listening to the questions and their answers. And they were bloody good questions, all the immediately important bases were covered. Now it was just up to Ross to decide how he wanted this to go, he was going for a cash in hand form of payment, that was for curtain. He was also pretty sure he didn't wan't to sleep in a building with more than one of these people, he didn't trust any of them as far as he could throw them, except the kid, he was fairly sure he could give her some serious air time. Either way, he'd probably shack up in a nearby hotel, or motel, somewhere cheap. He'd deal with all that later though first, he'd have to listen in, Eve was talking again. [color=a36209][i]Great. A test, Perfect...[/i][/color] Ross looked a little annoyed as he peered around the room, Ross wasn't the kind of person who could read other. Well not most of the time, and this time was no different, he'd not picked up any signs that one of them could be a mole. He wanted to say it was this Elizabeth chick, but his only reason for that was because she'd been there before him. [color=a36209]fuck. I should've watched more detective shows...[/color] Only person Ross was sure about was the kid, she was far to young and wild, not to mention her accent was from the other end of the planet. Ross was at a loss. He could just beat the information out of them, that worked well. But he didn't think that would be great for first impressions, or tolerated by Lady Eve. Lucky for him the creep in black seem to have a guess, the vial on her neck pointed at Scarface. But looking at the vial was full of some red shit, Ross was pretty sure it was blood but didn't care enough to think about it. It also seemed that the lady of a thousand questions also thought that Scarface was the mole, poor bugger already had two fingers being pointed at him. Ross had no competent guess so he figured he'd just follow their lead and see where this goes. He did fell like he needed to say something, just to make sure he wasn't just looking around at people like a paranoid wanker. [color=a36209]"Could I-uhh get another drink?"[/color]