[quote=Kestrel] Revelation; every single GM with a story that goes anywhere godmodes simply by using timeskips, in which they assume nothing to change the course of events happened, and by such control your character.It's like a super-bad word but I've pushed a number of stories simply by things like "Character X their attention was caught by event Y." Technically that's god-moding. And I've even forced some, Fonz forbid, auto-hits as a GM when a character didn't get out of the way after a first warning or wrote their selves stuck. Sometimes you have players that require that push. You don't do anything major, but you do push people into a situation that forces them to respond. That's not a bad thing, some players need that. As long as you don't take someone's freedom. A perfect example of this is a GM I had that, IC, forced my character to choose A or B because if no choice was made, the story would drag on needlessly, but when I made my character choose C, they applauded it and rolled with it. You can push someone to action, as long as yu allow them to choose that action by their selves. [/quote] I've been finding myself nodding in agreement with your posts, of late. All excellent points. I meant to touch on the time skipping, but I figured that might have been a give in.