"Ohh that hurt Fox-Lady. I'll have you know I'm a very good Body-Guard! Just ask the Narrators! Oh wait you can't hear their replies, huh can't believe I forgot that. Oh well! So Yumi-Bunny you are the kid of a god? That's awesome! [color=ed1c24][i]*I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Yumi-Bunny is getting more and more interesting.*[/i][/color] By the way Yumi-Bunny,the voices? Ya it's people called Narrators, they are fun to talk to. Not suppose to hear them but ya know, I'm Deadpool so it's kinda my thing." He said laughing it off as if it was totally normal, and for him it is normal. Looking back to the Fox-Lady DP tilted his head slightly to the side, studying her a bit closer. "Fox-Lady, question for you. Why is it so bad if he remembers eh? I mean he's got a headache just trying to.. Will it make him explode or something? Well not explode explode but um [color=7bcdc8][i]*Do you mean mentally explode DP?*[/i][/color] ya mentally! That's it mentally explode?" He asked, bit surprised by the hint of worry in his voice. [color=ed1c24][i]*Well ya I am! I don't want Yumi-Bunny's mind to break over something like being a God Kid![/i][/color] Looking back to Yumi Deadpool laughed a bit. "Though, you being a God Kid and all makes sense.. I mean you were a BUNNY when I first found ya at that shrine." He said closing his eyes to show he was smiling under the mask. Maybe one day he'd have the guts to take it off.. [color=ed1c24][i]No way! That would traumatize poor Yumi-Bunny! I mean sure I think I'm gorgeous but not everyone agrees ya know.*[/i][/color]