[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjVkZjk2My5UR2w2WVhKay4w/youthquake.regular.png[/img][/center] [Color=GREENYELLOW][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H1]Coast City:[/H1][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]May 15[SUP]th[/SUP], 2019 - 1236 | Downtown - Joe' Gym[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR] Jessica yawned as she kept up her cardio workout in the local downtown gym. The place wasn't all that know or talked about, since it was in a more remote region of downtown. Namely, the usually sordid kind, that was home to the usual mugger, drug-dealer or simply car-stealer - yet that didn't take away the hope, dreams and culture of this place and neighborhood. Despite it's bad reputation the Downtown Area of Coast City did have it's up and downs - out here, there was several good restaurants and a diner, where one could easily get the best steak dinner for only a couple of bucks. Plus, it was mostly an African-American area, so she wouldn't stick out as much, compared to every else. Namely, she happened to have the rare genetic condition of being a literal walking and talking crocodile - with all the benefits and disadvantages it brought with it. It left her looking rather darker than normal, have eyes that looked menacing and a strength that would leave many bodybuilders and heavyweight lifters green with envy. Although due to such gifts, it was kind of hard for her to fit in any particular region - many thought her too 'different' or too 'creepy'. It was a job in itself, trying to hide the fact you had webbed feet and hands, a tail and abnormal eyes - not to mention teeth and claws sharp enough to rip apart steel. Normally a person like that would be shunned and end up like many others of such kind - ostracized, disliked and eventually seeking revenge. Jessy had been luckier, compared to one Gotham gator - she had decent parents, a good head on her shoulders and somebody whom didn't let some bad words get under her skin. She could easily hide her tail, wrapped around her waist and eyes could be fixed with some contact lenses - plus, this place had single-cell washrooms, so she could enjoy herself without being called out of being a freak. Also, her job was something that afforded her an outlet, that didn't judge based on her appearance - but rather on her merit and skills. Speaking of those, as she thought those memories - her phone soon enough went off. "[color=GREENYELLOW]Y'ello. Jessica here. How may I assist ya'll[/color]?" she asked, with a Cajun accent - although once she got the answer, it made her sigh in reply. So much for her weekend being off, as she stopped the treadmill and replied in acknowledgement. Somebody had stepped onto America' toes again it seemed. Once she had showered and changed clothing - she called a taxi and had it head over to the Westport Naval Yard. [center]---[/center] [Color=GREENYELLOW][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H1]Pacific Ocean:[/H1][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]May 15[SUP]th[/SUP], 2019 - 2300 | ??? - ???[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR] Jessica was reading over the files, that they had been given to her by the [i]Leviathan[/i] Intelligence Officer, while she flew towards her destination on board the old-and-sturdy C-130 - namely, they had Russians poking around in areas, where they normally didn't. Namely extremely close to Japanese territorial waters and namely also United States Navy patrol routes. Such poking around would usually signal a political conflict in the making, although political attempts to uncover more information had been met with extreme denial by Russian officials. Whatever they were digging there seemed valuable to keep hidden from the US and also politically defended as well. While normally, a regular cruiser or frigate would have been sent over and have their location pinged - some scans a few hours ago had revealed...troubling readings. Namely, something valuable was indeed down there and higher-ups decided that whatever it was needed to be recovered from on board the Russian sub. Blowing them up in this case was a bit impossibility - secondly, the Russians would likely scuttle their vessel - before allowing a single American on board. As such, this mission fell into hands of Task Force [i]Leviathan[/i] - whose specialty was cracking open ships like a sardine cans. Plus it was here, where she shone best - namely utilizing her abilities to serve her country. Even, abnormal, genetically mutated humans were patriotic. As she made sure that her wet-suit was tightly fitting, gloves on and her tail tucked around her waist - while soon enough, she pulled on her helmet. Total black, one-way glass visor, a heated salt-filter to prevent excess salt from passing through and also a water container. All of which, fit snuggly around her head. "Coming up on drop point!" yelled the assistant aid - as beyond her, the pilot and the engineer - there wasn't anybody else on board this plane. The less people related to this Task Force, the better it was to prevent information leaks and keep the air of secrecy to them. Thus, the engineer had to also double as a regular soldier and check her suit and helmet - to make sure everything was in order. "Get ready! Three.....two....one. GO!" When that was said, and the green light was lit - Corporal Jessica 'Lizard' Jester, didn't hesitate and jumped out of the C-130 into the dark sky - namely from an altitude of 1700 ft. Normally such attempts would leave any normal human splat against the ocean - although, Jessica was much different - as she could jump from heights that no other soldier could. Secondly, she didn't require a parachute to break her fall into the water - having her an extra edge when it came to stealthy infiltration. Thus, anybody remotely focused on the C-130 would simply assume it dropped a radar buoy into the water and that was that. Not that they dropped a literal can-opener of any non-American vessels into the Pacific Ocean.