[quote=@OtomostheCrazy] There's a bandit. Not exactly my proudest work, but it's hard to work with brute characters for me. [/quote] He sounds awesome, looking forward to having him. I haven't created armor (skills yes, just not actual equipment) yet because you guys won't start with it but when I do you can add that to your bandit. Combatant would be a Role and Brute would fit under said Role. You can look at the weapon types as sub roles but I didn't want to confuse people with that haha. But yes you have it right, Combatant would be a role. Edit #1: Added a breakdown of how maps work and moving within them. [hider= Traveling Between Areas] The game world is split into Biomes like The Central Plains, Eastern Forest, so on and so forth. Each of those biomes is then broken up further into regions such as Eastern Forest Region 1, Eastern Forest Region 2, etc. Maps are made based on those regions, so when you play you'll mainly look at a minimap of the region rather than the world map. An example is attached below... Eastern Forest Region 5 [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/be60/f/2018/120/d/d/forest_region_5__playable__by_livingdreament-dcaaf6p.png[/img] [i]Icons for things like Ore Deposits will be added at a later date[/i] The overall minimap is the region and then that region is divided further into areas, the locations with green names. When you enter an area for the first time it will be considered hostile and your party has a chance to run into an encounter there. If you defeat the encounter the hostility of the area will go down. The hostility of areas is broken down below. [u]Hostility Levels[/u] Hostile - High chance of an encounter, roll a D20 upon entering the area or camping for over an hour in the location. 1-10 results in an encounter, 11-20 no encounter. Tempered - Low chance of an encounter, roll a D20 upon entering the area or camping for over an hour in the location. 1-5 results in an encounter, 6-20 no encounter. Peaceful - No chance of an encounter. Everytime you defeat an encounter or if your roll results in no encounter, the hostility of the area go downs a level. This is to prevent parties from being stuck into a combat loop until they are worn down and killed in fights they would otherwise win. [/hider] Edit #2: Oh shoot just realized you had a ? next to Stun[@OtomostheCrazy]. So stun is a gauge thing, 0/50 for example is what he would start with at the beginning of combat and if he took a total of 50 stun damage, so 50/50 on that gauge, then he would be stunned. Which means his turn will be skipped and he will be unable to dodge from any attacks. (So instead of missing, everyone will at least do minimum damage since he's just standing there stunned)