[hider=Valhalla] [b]City Name:[/b] Valhalla [b]Flag/Insignia:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/w4cGyZs.png[/img] [b]Location:[/b] TBD [b]Population:[/b](Total | General Workers/Engineers/Children) (298 Citizens | 213 General Labourers/42 Engineers/45 Children) [b]Government Type:[/b] Theocratic Monarchy [b]Established Laws:[/b] -The King's word is law, and his declarations are thus stricken into records or struck off at his desire. -Child Labour is permitted for non-Industrial Jobs, with the age of recognition of adulthood lowered to 14 years old. All can be compelled to work if the King demands it. -24 Hour long shifts are a power the King can invoke. -Alcohol is allowed to be consumed with no age limit, though moderation for children and expectant mothers is highly encouraged. -All accused and accusers have a right to have their case heard by the King, though there is penalty for abusing this privilege on trivial disputes and is meant for crimes only. -Crimes in Valhalla include: Thievery, Murder, Arson, Rape, Workplace intoxication in excess of specified limits (as set by workplace), Assault of any kind, openly promoting blasphemy against any of the established Cults, and inciting or engaging in treason against the crown. -Holmgang, or duels can be called to settle disputes between citizens if both agree to its terms as a form of legal remedy, in which case they shall engage before witnesses in a controlled duel of arms. The other punishments for crimes include ration limitations (as well as compensations in kind for the victims), public mutilation in the form of lashings or branding, exile, or even public execution as decided upon by the King. -Registration to the lists of at least one of the Cults of the Aesir or Vanir is required for all citizens, with Inspectors ensuring that at least one shrine or idol to one of said Gods is in a household. Copies of the Elder and Younger Eddas, are also to be checked for. -Huscarls are the King's enforcers, and are to be obeyed in their administration of law and order, as it is their duty to protect the city both from within and without. [b]Major Industries and Supply Stockpiles:[/b] Major Industries/Professions: Hunting and Food Processing, Coal Mining, and Woodcutting are the main industries of Valhalla, with 160 of its Labourers participating in these industries. (60 Laborers in Hunting/50 Laborers in Coal Mining/50 Laborers in Woodcutting). Minor Industries/Professions: Steel Production and Scientific Research are the minor professions. (20 Laborers in Steel/20 Engineers in Research). The remaining 33 Laborers and 22 Engineers are spread out among Huscarl and Cult positions. Children are currently not forcibly employed, but they can be drawn upon if demanded. Coal production and consumption per Day (Average): 1000 units of Coal per day produced, 800 Units consumed per day. Food Intake/Food Outtake per day: 120 Units of Raw Food per day converted into 480 Standard Rations per day, Outtake per day is 308 Standard rations. Wood Stockpile: 300 Units of Wood, with a production rate of 100 Units per day. Steel Stockpile: 40 Units of Steel, with a production rate of 20 units per day. Steam Core Stockpile: 2 Steam Cores, impossible to manufacture in Valhalla. [b]History:[/b] (Where did your people come from when the global temperatures dropped and the new ice age began? How did they learn of the Generators in the North? Are they a singular group or are they a mix of various groups that banded together? Was there conflicts? Resource shortages? How did they deal with them? What major events punctuated the time from establishing the city up until the end of surviving the Great Frost?) [b]Significant Figures in your City:[/b] (Mostly the people you'll be role-playing as, and likely will be the leaders of your cities or other figures who oversee processes within the city. No hard limit on this, but fewer is obviously better just for simplicity's sake.) ex. [i]Character Name:[/i] [i]Age:[/i] [i]Sex:[/i] [i]Birthplace:[/i] [i]Occupation:[/i] [i]Background/Personal History:[/i] [b]Extra Notes:[/b] [/hider] This is a WIP example based off of my current outline. For those curious as to how I came up with the numbers for the various production levels, this is basically the equations I am working with. Coal: 1 Labourer = 20 Units of Coal Produced per day. Food: 1 Labourer = 2 Units of Raw Food per day. 1 Unit of Raw Food = 4 Units of Rations. Wood: 1 Labourer = 2 Units of Wood per day. Steel: 1 Labourer = 1 Unit of Steel per day. *I am open to adjusting these equations for city-states that specialize their industries, or utilize laws to effect productivity, but I mostly expect numbers that make sense. **Note that nations that include automatons can work 24/7 regardless of conditions (so long as they can refuel) and will produce double what 7 Labourers can do in a day for any given industry. The catch? Automatons cost a lot of resources to make, including a Steam Core for each, and they displace 10 workers for every one of them that is introduced. Consumption numbers of Food is simple. The number of people you have in your city-state is the number of rations you go through daily. Coal consumption I'll admit is hazier. I have no real solid equation for this atm, but for now I'm considering the idea of tying it to Generator operation levels (1-4 with 1 being the lowest level of heat generation and consumption, and 4 being the highest), because all nations will be assumed to have survived the Great Frost, all nations will have access to these levels and essentially mean that they have a fully-equipped generator. Temperature fluctuation will require changes in Generator power levels to either lower or increase heat production based on how much you're using it, and thus will determine consumption. I'll be honest again, I'm not a big fan of using complex equations for RPs, but this is a nation RP that revolves around a fair bit of resource management detail by virtue of its premise, so I have to include them, but I'd aim to try and keep them simple.