[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmZmM2EwMC5WR2hsSUZKaFoyVWdWbWx5ZFhNNklFaHZiV1ZqYjIxcGJtYywuMAAAAAAA/apocalypse.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/b379/f/2010/195/2/e/28_days_later____by_thaddeous.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmZmM2EwMC5WR2hsSUZKaFoyVWdRMjl0WlhNZ1NHOXRaUzQsLjAAAAAAAAAA/apocalypse.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=#C71201]It's 2007. It's been fourty-four weeks since the first outbreak. Europe is up in flames as "The Rage in the East" has continued to decimate the region, starting with the United Kingdom. The fires of Europe are becoming too hot for the world community to avoid, as the Far East deals with it's own vulnerabilities in the wake of millions of refugees fleeing their destroyed or dying countries. Most of the United Kingdom, France and now even Germany has been overrun with these crazed beasts, which destroy and murder anyone they can. American life has nearly come to an absolute halt, as the loss of entire nations and economies has crippled the west, and has left most Americans stuck at home, trying to find work, or joining the protests in the streets, as more and more Americans demand action from their government. Some Americans want a peaceful, humanitarian solution, while others advocate for the preemptive destruction of anything that could possibly doom the West to fall victim to the same rage that has brought the East to it's knees. Many of them want jobs, many of them want protection, but all of them want the same thing; action. With the Red Fleet stuck ever too closely off the coast of New England, and an apparent tropical storm brewing in the Atlantic, it looks like Halloween is definitely going to be interesting this year.[/color]