[quote=@AngelofOctober] Because tbh once I saw that comment I knew where this was going to go down pathwise. It's why I decided to initially take my leave because I didn't want to spend this very conversation explaining to people, especially after I checked my power balance with 5 other people familiar with the DCU on his balance, it was the moment someone said "don't let the door hit you on the way out" I felt I had to explain my reasoning. Which still seems to be ignored because I also called having this conversation as well with those same 5 people. I knew the moment that Dr. Strange/Fate thing was called out that this would be the group who's like you know we have classically the most god mod character canonically within this universe dead or not, but uh magic casting werewolf is just going too far. [/quote] But Superboy Prime isn't in this game.