[center][h2]Matthew Lopez[/h2][/center] [hr] The day was like any usual one, with all platoon lieutenants and master sergeants waking up their units, many already marching towards the training complex. The military head quarters of the Vitae were quite impressive, sizable and professional enough that Matthew eve felt at home at times, Martian tech offered nothing but the best after all. As the captain walked through the hallways of the military complex several rows of soldiers passed by him, chanting the usual morning song as they saluted their commander with respect. Matthew liked to keep discipline even with ranks, at the beginning years there had been some issues with Fed soldiers who were not very keen on saluting a Martian, but Matthew had made his command clear since then. Personally confronting anyone that questioned his command or Locke's for that matter, there would be no insubordination in this vessel, no matter what nation any soldier came from. Most soldiers already knew Lopez was of a take no bullshit mentality and though it was clear some resented him most kept the same level of respect expected in any regular military force. For his part, Matthew respected each soldier according to their abilities. He personally had good ties with Harrison, sure he could come off a bit soft, but he was of a much more even mannerism and most soldiers would follow him under command of Lopez, and Locke by extension. Still, it was clear to Lopez that five years inside a ship floating through space ever so infinite could take a toll on anyone, including himself. He was not surprised that there was a clear lack of morale, he couldn't blame the men and women serving in the Vitae to feel frustrated after so long drifting aimlessly in the emptiness of space, even with away missions to planets it was hard to keep all soldiers on a day to day active basis other than training, marching, patrolling, sleeping, repeat. They all still had leave time, but still years with the same casino, hub, and overall the same monotone environment was bound to get tiresome on anybody despite the convictions they might posses. At least it was better than fighting... them. In some away missions the teams had encountered hostile creatures, but that compared nothing to what was out there, hunting them, wanting their complete destruction, even Matt shivered at the thought. Matthew came back from his dozing off as he arrived to the training complex, a massive room with several dome like structures, each structure was a modular combat and environment simulation system. Once going into one of these domes, a very real simulation would commence, either planetary surface combat, away exploration, or even space operations such as raiding an enemy ship or rescue operations. The MCESS were formidable for training any military force, though a bit ironic given that Lopez would prefer training that was more hands on and less of a video game, but Harrison had been able to convince him that this was the next best thing rather than putting the men and women that were supposed to protect the Vitae in active danger. Matthew could see the sense in that, at least in these domes his soldiers could still have the exercise and preparedness for battle they needed. Matthew entered the Training Complex, revealing himself up on the platform overlooking the domes, several units and teams were already on deck, either awaiting their turn in their domes or doing the obstacle course that surrounded the four massive domes. The captain smirked a bit, it seemed like old times back on Mars. The blue somewhat greenish sky and the combination of green formatted earth with red rock were the only things absent. The captain made his ways down the stairs leading down on deck, lieutenant Harrison was already present, soldiers formed up near him. "ATTENTION! CAPTAIN ON DECK!" Harrison said out loud as Lopez stood in front of the row of soldier who quickly straightened and the sound of their feet hitting the floor all together was indicative of their discipline as Marines of the Vitae. "At ease people." Lopez said, subsequently the soldiers went into a more relaxed mannerism. "Who's in command of this team lieutenant?" Lopez asked Harrison, who was standing right besides him, fully armored already, same for all the soldiers. "That would be Master Sergeant Riley Cavill, sir." Harrison answered. "They seem like a well kept unit. Best you could find, right?" Lopez added. Harrison made a bit of a smile, "Yes sir. Cavill and her team have been scoring high on the latest simulations. I think her team would be adequate for any operation that is incoming sir." "That is for me to judge lieutenant." Lopez said with a strong and firm voice, he then called for the master sergeant herself. "Master Sergeant Cavill. Do you believe in your team's ability to perform in potentially hazardous or hostile environment at the best of their abilities?" The captain waited for an answer, looking directly at the sergeant.