A howling wind blew through the busy streets, confining tightly to the streets, roaring from the splitting in trees and post, momentarily it seemed almost a bit cold from the windchill biting at uncovered flesh. Dresses flipped up and men and woman alike held their caps and hoods to keep them on. Following it soon after was a young man. Slouched over, hands tight to his side not casually, but bent as if ready to grip at the Large sword strapped up high on his back at any moment. Those he neared may turn to him before he was upon them from the stench, he smiled like a wild mutt, looked like one too. His hair was matted and wild, his skin, which seemed mostly uncovered, was filthy with dirt. His stare was enough to move most people, and those who didn't he'd push out of the way. Though for some, it may be a true fear to battle him, for most he was another whelp needing a teaching of discipline, the irony. The true fear was in being put in the stocks for a scuffle that this young man clearly wasn't afraid of, and ending them both in a prison cell while the ever important celebration occurred. "you...are here for the guard" the blatant surprise in the guards voice let out as they looked at the mangy young man before them. His harsh eyes seemed to glow with wrath at her words, causing the armored lady to shake her head and motion for him with her hand. "Put out your right arm" She groaned and after a moment to slide up the wooden braclets he wore on each arm to cover his scars, he did as instructed. she moved quickly, tying the yellow ribbon around his arm and with that pointed him away. "good luck beast kid. You'll need it" She let out as he walked away, chewing on the tight fabric as if he didn't seem to understand he could untie it. Sniffing the air did little for him in this situation, and so he relied on sight, scanning until he found a small body, one of perhaps a gnome or child, he had trouble telling the difference. Fortune smiled upon his as she was small enough to have her arm visible and so he pushed to her, moving down to sniff her. "You're an odd one. Smelling of a beast, but...not. Heh, I am Sif! By the marks on our cloths, we are to be one of a pack! Tell me what you have to offer to our team"