[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Two[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/sqMVLcmhuRyg0/giphy.gif[/img] Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab[/center] [hr][hr] Two made sure that she kept her gun trained on the guys who were still there while Three and Eleven went to go and interrogate the armed men, she didn't move an inch if they did anything stupid like that again she'd shoot the rest of them herself. She'd occasionally look over her shoulder towards Ten, Nine, Seven and Jakob. She really hoped that Seven will be alright, she started to notice that the girl was getting pale. [color=cyan]"Jakob is fine Nine, we need him however it's these guys who should be killed if she dies."[/color] Two said as she eyed them cautiously, she was a little bit trigger happy. [color=cyan]"Try and keep her awake maybe?"[/color] Two suggested, she wasn't a medical professional like Ten apparently was, but Two knew that if you got really tired it was probably a bad sign. She then decided to check the remaining men in case they were armed keeping her rifle pointed at them while she did. [color=cyan]"You all do something I blow your brains out."[/color] Two said threateningly.