[quote=@mdk] It was a match for the hype, which isn't to say it was great, just big and good and a solid watch. The events within this big, good, solid movie should upset assloads of MCU fans though. [/quote] Not really. 1. The Infity-crisis already happened in comic form. So to the bigger rage-happy fans, this is no bigger spoiler than "Snape kills Dumbledore"... PS: at some point Thor ends up being a girl after this.... [i]long story...[/i] Not even gonna hint at what happened to Nick Fury and Captain America... (those were things that pissed-off fans, although they'll probably retcon the "Captain Hitler" arc... wich was wierd and cringy...) 2. The Vision was powered by an infitiy-stone... the entire plot of the Infinity-gauntlet is that it has ALL the stones... so that means at some point Visions skull is gonna get rekt.