[quote=@Foster] Not really. 1. The Infity-crisis already happened in comic form. So to the bigger rage-happy fans, this is no bigger spoiler than "Snape kills Dumbledore"... PS: at some point Thor ends up being a girl after this.... [i]long story...[/i] Not even gonna hint at what happened to Nick Fury and Captain America... (those were things that pissed-off fans, although they'll probably retcon the "Captain Hitler" arc... wich was wierd and cringy...) 2. The Vision was powered by an infitiy-stone... the entire plot of the Infinity-gauntlet is that it has ALL the stones... so that means at some point Visions skull is gonna get rekt. [/quote] Right, but [i]cool people[/i] didn't read the comics, we just tagged along with the films when they got popular. And anyone who wasn't watching the sequel schedule has cause for alarm, especially given, um.... more recent, more popular characters who were possibly given specific cultural prominence.