The stairway was well furnished, with lush carpeted floors fit for a royal opera. The fabric darkened due to all of the wet, everyone now soaked to the bone. Neil let out a 'woo' as he moved his mop of hair out of his eyes. "Here I was thinking the Opera would be boring. I was always more into 'La bohème' anyway." He said, getting to his feet. As the Prince placed a tossed chair at the door to keep the barrier in place, Taya coughed. She shivered from the cold, rubbing her arms in frustration. "Why can't we ever get a break?" She asked. The door behind them burst open as if kicked. Neil was knocked to the side, and out stepped a man with a hydrosonic weapon. An experimental firearm, water cooled and using vibrations to create deadly airwaves. If he'd fired the weapon at any of them, it would have carved a clean hole through any unarmored individual. However, the assassin that Sayeeda had predicted had failed to realize the weight he'd hit with the door. Neil was on him in a flash, grabbing at his gun and kneeing him in the stomach, causing the weapon to drop to the floor. The Pilot headbutted him, but was similarly shoved back and punched. Neil knocked aside the blow with his forearm, redirecting the kinetic energy of the attack and stepped forward, using his weight to add force to his next punch that struck the man's throat. The assassin coughed up blood, and fell to his knees, gasping for air that wouldn't show. Neil's method wasn't as fine tuned as Sayeeda's, but it was a step above what Aiden, Taya, and possibly the Captain expected. The Prince blinked, having stopped from activating the device in his hands to stare at Neil. Taya squinted. "I wasn't expecting that." she said. Neil let out a breath and looked the group, finding his signature grin. He knelt down and picked up the weapon the guy had been aiming at the Captain and Prince. "Yeah well...I can't always be here to save your-" The door opened again forcefully. Neil was hit a second time, nearly being knocked down the next flight of stairs as a frightened couple surged out of it, fearfully looking back and forth. So scared were they, they didn't notice the heir to the throne was in front of them, and they hurried past Neil who was collecting his senses. [@Penny]