With a short smile Liza replied,"I'll admit you are very good at what you do. Well enough chatter, let's go, you don't want to be late." [center]_____________________________________________________________________________[/center] After snatching on her work clothes, gathering her effects, giving Alice time to change, and locking up the apartment, Liza hailed a cab outside and she and Alice were headed Downtown for the masquerade ball. The sun was already down past New York Cities' towering skyscrapers and was steadily lowering itself past the distant western horizon. It was a charming sight, the golden-orange sky of the setting sun, how it romanticized the evening theme and the events to come. In the back of the cab, Liza looked around to Alice, saying,"Dalton said he'd meet us by the front door outside. He has yours and his tickets so don't worry about getting in. After I've seen you off I'm off to work for the night. When your ready to leave, take a cab back home. I left the spare key under the doormat so you could get in. Alright? Any questions?" Liza inquired.