Cyrdic ducked under a spear, while giving a riposte that bit into the Rat Ogre's bicep. He did very little damage with the strike though, and the Ostlander needed to help Camilla. The Tilean had survived worse, before. But he could tell she was taking risks she shouldn't. When was she going to get it in her head he didn't underestimate her? He remembered when they were in the Drakwald and she accused him of treating her like a doll. He didn't know why. This wasn't about her! Cyrdic wasn't a man that was in tune with his emotions. He'd been a capable sergeant and he knew how to keep morale. He also felt as if he and Camilla had an uncommonly good relationship for two people who lived the hard life of a mercenary. But sometimes he couldn't understand her and it caused dangerous things, and dammit did he have bad habits because this was one of the things he liked about her. "Camilla, now!" Cyrdic cried, and the woman knew just what he meant. Poised upon the Rat Ogre's massive shoulders, she flourished her dagger and stabbed it into the beast's collarbone, snarling as she did so. Cyrdic knew that anger was aimed at him. They would talk about it later, and the Rat Ogre reared upwards. Cyrdic didn't hesitate, and he rushed forward like the bull that represented his province. The next moment, his runic sword ran the Rat Ogre through, two feet deep. Camilla vaulted off the mutant as it began to spasm in pain. The male mercenary ripped his sword out of the beast, but not before it flailed and struck him with the back of its fist. Cyrdic was too tired to dodge, and the strike sent him flying into the opposite wall of the small enclosure. Like a cannon ball, he tore through the mortar that had weakened from old age, sending crumbling bricks and stone. With a bestial bellow, the Rat Ogre fell forward and vomited blood. It gave a futile attempt to hold in its spilling entrails, but the monster weakened by the second. A shriek was heard from past the fire; the Grey Seer howling at its bodyguard being slain. [@Penny]