[center][color=a8a8a8][h3][sub][u]𝙽𝙴𝚆 𝚈𝙾𝚁𝙺 𝙲𝙸𝚃𝚈, 𝙽𝚈. 𝟸𝟸𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚁𝙸𝙳𝙰𝚈, 𝟷𝟿 𝙾𝙲𝚃𝙾𝙱𝙴𝚁 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾[/u][/sub][/h3][/color] [hider=Soundtrack][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3vdYtrNF7M[/youtube][/hider][/center] [color=a8a8a8]“That’s quite alright, Mr. Dorman-Smith. The rest of the company here arrived just moments ago themselves. We were discussing — or rather, I was mentioning — a few things about what we want to achieve with these sessions,” said Benjamin and made himself more comfortable in his chair, checking the latest arrival off of the list. “What we are here to do is to talk about what the future holds and what ‘Obscure Events’ actually are, as miss Fusco here” — the good doctor gestured slightly towards the blond lass — “and probably miss Hayes, as well, so fervently wishes to know,” said Benjamin. “Seeing as most of you are here, we can begin,” the doctor coughed slightly and corrected his crackling tone. “Throughout my days as a practitioner of psychiatry I’ve treated hundreds of patients who believe they saw a ghost, or a demon, or some alien-type creature that either committed some horrible act upon them or someone they know. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, these happenings are all in their head, in their imagination. However, there is that one time out of a hundred when something happens that is difficult to explain or find a reason for happening. That one time is what we call an ‘Obscure Event’.” The man chuckled, “now, that doesn’t mean that a person saw an alien or a ghost, or anything like that, but that they experienced something that their senses aren’t used to. It’s the best explanation that I can give for the phrase ‘Obscure Event’.” The man’s eyes sailed towards the ceiling for a split second, and then lingered beyond those present at a desk by the far end wall of the office. [color=d39c55](Perception 7) Something about the doctor’s tone and choice or words seem off. He is not lying, but he is not telling the whole truth either. And what was he looking at? It might not be wise to provoke him at this time, but on the other hand, the opportunity might not present itself later. Is the erased, faint symbol on the whiteboard outside the office connected to this elusive concept of ‘Obscure Events’?[/color] After a brief silence, the doctor continued. “Your primary physicians have individually determined that all of you are at risk of experiencing an ‘Obscure Event’ due to past and present external factors. This is why they have sent you to me for evaluation. This doesn’t mean that your condition is getting worse — quite the contrary, actually. Whatever error there was before is in a stage of correcting itself. But during that time, you may experience obscurities in your perception, as it were,” said the doctor and coughed again. “Excuse me.” The doctor turned his presence away from the patients and reached for a box of napkins on the desk just behind him. The hostility of his cough escalated. A few more moments of struggle resulted in the box of napkins almost being completely drained. The doctor gestured to his patients that it would soon pass. At the end of the spectacle, as he had somewhat recovered, he turned his attention back to those present. “Pardon me. Years of smoking is not something that I boast about among my achievements,” he chuckled sarcastically. The doctor discretely gathered the used napkins and discarded them in the trash right next to his desk. [color=d39c55](Perception 2) Some of the napkins had stains of blood on them.[/color] “Now, then, I’d like to hear your stories. Why do you think you are here? You don’t have to share every gritty detail of your life, of course. Just a few words about who you are and how the paths of life have led you to this moment.”[/color]