Ryan detected the threat of Brendon leaving a possessive mark on his skin but was barely worried about it until Brendon pulled back - only then did he remember that they weren't completely alone. He wondered exactly how they'd go about this anyway; would they tell Spencer and Jon immediately what was going on? Ryan wasn't even sure about how to label it himself, and he assumed asking Brendon if they were boyfriends now would be kind of lame. Then, would everyone else know? He didn't see any problem with it - he didn't talk to his family for the most part and therefore wasn't worried about any judgment (that he cared about, anyway; people he wasn't related to would probably have some thoughts on the subject as well). There was the possibility that they ended up not working out, and if they had to publicly break up, too, it might lead to more drama than absolutely necessary. But while Ryan's mind could work at a hundred miles per minute, he couldn't consider all of this in any real depth; it was shelved for the time being. All that really mattered was that they got to this point at all, something that seemed a distant maybe-achievable dream just yesterday. He savored each kiss because part of him still doubted that it was all real, and if it was, maybe Brendon would lose interest as quickly as they were progressing in the moment. Or, hell, Ryan could do the same, though after eight months of pining, he doubted he'd break tradition. He'd never done it in the past with people he cared far less about in comparison, so it was highly unlikely he'd so easily lose interest in Brendon. His insecurities dwindled when he realised this applied to Brendon, too; why was he so worried in the first place? Natural anxiety was a powerful thing. Though 'living in the moment' was not Ryan's forte, the fact becoming more and more apparent with each passing second, he tried to draw himself out of his self-sabotaging thoughts, succeeding just in time to watch Brendon finish the verse he'd started. [i]...I’m just saying that I'd like it a lot more than you'd think, if the sun would come out and sing with me...[/i] He was almost taken aback with the ease Brendon seemed to have adopting Ryan's made-up tune when it had been Brendon's lyrics in the first place. He supposed it was natural of them to fit together so easily, though, always like puzzle pieces. One shortcoming: Ryan was a talker, and Brendon was evidently a little aggravated with him for not shutting up (though not seriously, thankfully). Ryan could relate, really. [i]Duh.[/i] Glad they agreed on the date. Ryan was pretty sure he'd never been on one better. He almost melted into Brendon's touch, feeling oddly comforted by the placement of his hands, how it seemed like he nearly framed Ryan's face. He was grateful for it, actually; if not for something keeping him in place he was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to stay upright. [i]Anyway, I’m glad we did it this way. We can just go on dates to make up for it. And all of them should be to either of our bedrooms.[/i] He knew Brendon was laughing but Ryan took it very seriously, already planning how exactly they'd get the rest of their band to agree to letting them visit each other's rooms after this ordeal. Jon would probably be more fair with them. Spencer, however, probably thought Ryan was just bad news for Brendon (rather than the other way around, which, as his best friend, Ryan was quite offended by), and therefore might protest their union altogether. So they'd just be sneaky, he guessed. Ryan momentarily forgot that it was easier to stand when his mouth wasn't occupied but kept his priorities straight anyway, following Brendon's guidance in rising all while he pressed more kisses wherever was most convenient. He nearly interrupted him, actually, before redirecting to Brendon's jaw, holding him close on the opposite side of his face for ease of access. [i]Though to be fair... I haven’t done much actual sunset watching. There are prettier things.[/i] For that Ryan did actually pause, looking at him dubiously. [b]"That's—"[/b] He broke off, deciding against calling Brendon corny when he'd been arguably worse this entire time. Rather, he laughed modestly, unsure of how to react to such a compliment. [b]"You're sweet,"[/b] he said instead, gazing at him a moment longer before reaching around Brendon and retrieving his journal for him. The cover seemed to have not been affected much by the rain, so he figured the rest was safe, though he still hugged the book between them protectively. [b]"And I was thinking the same thing. Why do you think I come out here so often? Just more excuses to see you."[/b] He was already backing them towards the cover of the cabin, hanging on delicately to the fabric of Brendon's shirt, until they were in front of the door and beneath the roof overhang. Only then did he realise exactly how much of his own fringe was stuck to his forehead from the rain, paying it no mind and instead drawing Brendon's hair from his face. He pressed Brendon's journal against his chest so he'd accept it, trying desperately not to fall into another habit of kissing each other breathless since they were even closer to their uninformed bandmates, and quirked one corner of his mouth sheepishly. [b]"So you wouldn't mind- I mean. We could call each other boyfriends, right? Imagine that."[/b] He kind of already had. In fact, Ryan had been guilty of almost actually doing that in the past, but he figured saying that to Brendon would be slightly embarrassing - just as it was to [i]ask whether he could.[/i] God. [b]"'This is Spencer, this is Jon, and my boyfriend, Brendon...'"[/b] he practiced, looking endlessly amused by himself. Abandoning his resolution, Ryan pressed another chaste kiss to the corner of Brendon's mouth before leaning back against the door, fingers on the handle. [b]"So you were saying something about dates in our rooms, and I'd really appreciate around seventeen blankets right about now. Shall we?"[/b] He'd heard the underlying suggestion in Brendon's words before, obviously, and wasn't [i]that[/i] inattentive, but of course his own innocuous intentions were limited to finding warmth and sticking to it for now. And maybe figuring out whether Brendon was opposed to cuddling or not - hopefully the latter.