[hider=This pic looks like modern day Rasputin] [center][COLOR=b8b8b8][sub][h1][sub]M O R I A R T Y D R E Y M U N D[/sub][/h1][/sub][/COLOR] [img]http://www.mens-hairstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/12.Old-Man-Haircut.jpg[/img] [/center] [img]i.imgur.com/FP8IOW8.png[/img] [color=a8a8a8]It all started in one of his trips to Africa, where he went as an investigative journalist to interview a tribe that was rumored to hold sacrificial rituals and other voodoo crap. He didn't believe in any of that, of course, but the audience that the magazine/youtube news channel he was working for catered to loved it. He volunteered to undertake the trip, the only one in his whole department. Bunch of lazy bastards, they just didn't want to deal with the mosquito bites or traverse the flora. That, however, was negligible for him as the money more than made up for some small discomforts. To be honest, all he was expecting were the usual human sacrifices, blood drinking, child killings and maybe some cannibalism, all things that have been documented before and that are still happening in that part of Africa. He got way more than he bargained for... Let's just say that their guide bailed on them halfway, his film crew perished, the whole tribe was slaughtered, he blacked out for 10 days and eventually found himself back where he left from, before taking the plane...naked. The police and ambulance caught up with him, after patching him up he was sent to a psychiatrist for a psychological assessment and... he was in perfect mental condition. Until he blacked out again, this time for 13 days and when he got to it he was locked in a white room being served food and water along with pills on the side, on top of a tray that slid through the bottom of a locked door. The blackouts have been happening constantly since that day and every time he regained conscience he tried to explain to anyone who would listen that he didn't do those things "they claimed" and that he had no recollection of them. He was locked for 7 years total until the blackouts stopped around 5 years in. He behaved in an exemplary manner for 2 years and even contacted his lawyer for further assistance to convince the administrators to let him go. Now out and about he is still compelled to visit a therapist 3 times a week until the specified time mentioned in the order is reached and the therapist deems him of sound mind. [/color] [img]i.imgur.com/jPqtE3a.png[/img] [color=a8a8a8]"I was possessed" holds no value in a court and even the most devout of Christians or fanatics of other religions will say "you are long past the chance of redemption" while looking at him with disgust for the things he has committed, and that is if they actually believe he was possessed. That tribe, his crewman, animals, other people, he killed a lot of them and in a brutal and painful fashion. The only reason that he is free right now and not sentenced to death is the claim that he was attacked and all these "blackouts" that are proceeded by violent outbursts have root to that gruesome massacre that left him scarred for life. [/color] [img]i.imgur.com/tUBValJ.png[/img] [color=a8a8a8][list] [*]Blackouts - He never knows when they might reemerge to ruin his life again.. [*]Alienated - His wife has left him for another with full custody of their 10 year old daughter, all his friends have abandoned him, utterly forgotten. At most he might be mentioned in a conversation during a drunk night out by one of his ex-friends. [*]Weak Willed - Things...creatures from beyond the veil have sensed his weak spirit and mind and clutter around him before they stop just short of reaching him, like they see something else before scuttering off and away. [*]Haunted - Some though, some decide to stick around, watch his every move, waiting and looking for an opportunity to take control. He can see moving black shapeless figures just at the edge of his vision. [*]Loss of control - Besides the blackouts, he often experiences his body doing motions without his knowledge. Not going against his will per say but more like moving some body part or muscle group that he isn't focusing on or paying attention at the moment. [*]Spiritually Attuned - When he closes his eyes he can feel a presence, if he is lucky, moving about, circling him. He never feels safe, like constantly having a loaded gun pointed at the back of your head which always stays at your back even when you turn around to look. [*]Emotionally deficient - With all the things that have happened during these last 7 years, the toll that the stress took on his mind, he has grown apathetic. Could be seen as a defense mechanism, a way for the mind to cope with what was happening. He lacks the natural reaction that a normal person would have in their daily life or in different scenarios. If he isn't constantly trying to emulate them everyone can tell that he is missing something. [*]Pretend it's all fine - With all the other issues he has, he needs to put up a front every time he visits his therapist. And it's not like he is visiting some friend or ordinary person, they are licensed in read the mood and body language. He uses an illegal prescription to calm his nerves and dull his senses. [/list][/color] [img]i.imgur.com/gChj0bd.png[/img] [color=a8a8a8][list] [*]Evil Within - Something is inside him, maybe the classical spooky ghost, maybe it is him but a split personality or maybe something much more powerful and evil...I'm certain it's the spooky ghost...Whatever it is, it has kept other supernatural creatures at bay, even that constant lurker at the edge of his vision doesn't dive in. It also affects other outside supernatural forces that attack his mind and spirit to a certain extent. [*]Supernatural Reflexes - You see that sniper 368m away equipped with a silencer? His head can move and dodge the bullet at the last possible second so it only grazes him. [*]Life Trained Actor - For years now he has learned how to act his part, the part of a normal person going about their daily life. All those emotions, facial expressions and body language need to be emulated on his part. He has to pay attention to every move of his body in order to mimic an action or response adequately. [*]Fear the Pain Away - If you were running from a pack of 2 meters tall rabid wolves with red eyes, midnight black fur and blood dripping from their fangs, and in order to escape you'd have to run barefooted across a pathway, littered with burning coal and broken glass, that stretch for meters on end in front of yo-...wait, when did it get behind you? [/list][/color] [img]i.imgur.com/43R0Szx.png[/img] [color=a8a8a8][list] [*]Fortitude: 2 [*]Willpower: 1 [*]Passion: 0 [*]Perception: 10 [*]Violence: 2 [*]Soul: 10 [/list][/color] [/hider] Oops[s][@DJAtomika][/s] [@Poet]Sorry for the delay, spent a lot of time contemplating on distributing the 25 points, wondering why don't we have 30 points so it is evenly distributed 5 on each or 45 points which would be perfect. I'm just used to using cheats on every game and cheat the dice roll to get the most points possible.