[center][h2]Remember FUBAR? It's Back[/h2][/center] Elias had recieved word that Koren had arrived back on [i]Paradise[/i] almost fifteen minutes before, and he was still figuring out the best way to approach the no doubt angry father. Failing to think of a decent approach, the Mandalorian finally accepted that it was going to be a shit show and headed to the man's office. [color=OrangeRed][i]At least I know he won't kill me right away...hopefully.[/i][/color] Elias had worn his armor in it's entirety just in case Koren decided to take a shot at him in frustration, but, as he reached the door and knocked, he didn't count on it. After a moment, it slid open and the smuggler walked in, remaining standing as he looked at Koren, waiting for him to say something. Silence reigned for several minutes before the Mandalorian finally broke it himself. [color=OrangeRed]"Look Koren, I know your upset, especially with myself and Willoh, but I might have some information that you'd like to hear. After the smoke cleared, I grabbed a Weequay, took him back to my ship and...interrogated him. He didn't survive the encounter, but I got what I was looking for. The group that hired him and his friends were former Imperial, even set up the information that got Loretta to go to Grakkus' Arena. All the group that attacked us had to do was wait and set up contingencies. I know it's no consolation, but it might point you in the right direction."[/color] [hr] [center][h2][color=41D1EE] Tarion Je'and|The Plot Thickens[/color][/h2][/center] Tarion remained silent until the others were done, watching out the window as Cartel mercs swept the streets and knocked on the doors of the buildings that were clearly lived in. He knew what would come once the streets turned up empty and the people in all the various stores and apartment buildings shared what they knew and he knew they wouldn't want to still be in this building when it happened. [color=41D1EE]"The Sith had a cover for his escape, though I wonder if they were piloted by people or simply remote controlled. We don't need a distraction, as you could end up pointing them in the right direction entirely by accident. As for a ship...I have one, outside the district in the spaceport. But getting to it will still prove an issue, as they will have the district cordoned off."[/color] He noted her concern that she could no longer connect to the holonet and watched a group of mercs, lead by a rather large human wielding a large blaster cannon, approaching their building. [color=41D1EE]"And we are out of time. They're beginning to search the abandoned buildings. We'll need to slip out the back and do so quickly."[/color]