[color=coral] [center] [h2]Boshu Sen'Yo[/h2] [hr] Amegakure hotel - Time o'clock[/center] [/color] [center]Mentions: None[/center] While Amegakure left much to be desired due to it's industrial nature, it wasn't terrible. The smog only left a burn in Boshu's lungs for what was likely to be the rest of the day, it certainly wasn't like home to say the least but she could get used to it for a couple of days, maybe after a drink or two as well if she could convince any of the others to go with her. For the time being Boshu was going to spend her time cleaning her equipment and making minor fixes, the room was perfect for it due to the relative lack of luxurious features it had. Her equipment was spread out all over the room as she made sure everything was accounted for and in good working order, it was going to cost someone's life later if she wasn't sure of her gear being fully functional right now. Either way she had a whole day to use so every precaution would be taken and every worry would be addressed and although it seemed no one else wanted to drink before the big day of the briefing, Boshu was bubbling with excitement over being able to go to this supposedly unexplored land to see just what was there.The only following concern was how this related to the plague that had spread among some members of the population, and whether or not it's point of origin was in that new world, she couldn't go bringing it back herself that was for sure. [hr] [color=coral] [center] Amegakure's Great Hall - 08:50 am [/center] [/color] [center]Mentions: None[/center] Boshu didn't arrive too early, but she made sure to arrive at a reasonable time, much like the other shinobi attending the briefing. She'd be lead to her seat by one of the attendants present and found one of her squad-mates to be the ever familiar mask belonging to Homuru, he was an odd one for sure what with keeping his face covered up with that mask no matter the circumstance though it was probably just part of his work for the empire that meant he had to wear it. Boshu wore her characteristically confident persona with a fresh smile and a bright tone of voice. [color=coral]"Punctual like always, eh Homuru? I'm glad to have a familiar face in the squad."[/color] She'd chime in greeting to her Tiger division cohort as she seated herself, glancing to the other two seats. [color=coral]"Know anything about the other two on our squad?"[/color] Homuru wasn't much for socialising, but it was worth attempting to poke and see what he knew, if anything, about Miyu Tachibana and Kinzo Uragiri. The rest of the shinobi in attendance seemed to either be abuzz with excitement or completely sombre about the current situation, an unexplored world was in their sights and anything could come from it after all. Boshu just wanted to find out what kind of things lived over there so she could detail them and bring the information back to the rest of the guild, this kind of information was nigh on vital for someone such as her.