You have a point when it comes to video games, but I think the situation is a little different here - which is good for us. Unlike a game, which has to be coded in a static way and which cannot react to the player's wishes and choices in a dynamic way, the GM in this RP totally can. He's doing this because he has a story to tell us, and he knows we're not gonna do a new game+ either. I would imagine that the skill checks put in place are first and foremost for flavor and to make sure that every character has their moment to shine; not to lock us out of the most interesting story options. At least, that's my interpretation of it, I haven't questioned Poet's decision to go with skill points so far. Fair question it is. [hr] [b]Edit:[/b] Ay, ninja'd. Well, there you go. I actually did not know this either. Good to know. xD