[center][h1][color=057fbc][b]David Costley[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [centre][code]Grand Ridge Academy - An Irrelevant Lecture Room[/code][/centre] [hr] The day went past in more or less a blur, after what had occured only the day prior it was no surprise really. A month had passed since the Camp incident, since then he'd barely left the confines of his dorm room, it seemed as though he could escape the hellstorm of that incident - as though what occurred was a nightmare, a phenomenon in a story... that was until David was thrown without rope or 'shute back into the pit he had escaped from. Magic, it seemed, was real. Whatever happened back at the camp made it so, what else could have caused a kid to gain freaking powers?! A supernatural side-effect from a supernatural incident. That was what made sense in whatever crumbles of reason remained within David's mind. At least there weren't any Prophesied Heroes nor any neon circles flying around. If it came to pass that this world was merely a story it was not, at least, a lacklusterly one - and hopefully not a young adult fiction, David had no desire to gain a six pack and fight off other guys for some girl. It was nearing half three when he'd first heard about the conference, this was from one of his professors after an hours lecture - this seemed to be one for the survivors of the camp incident and probably intended as coping therapy... Why would he need to hold hands and talk about feelings? He felt sick after seeing the bodies, the nurse in particular what with her stinking skin being burnt away and her demonic personality. See, he realised how he felt without having to sit in a chair and cry his heart out for several hundred quid an hour. Still... There was the drunk to consider, they were bound to go to that meeting. After witnessing their ability they probably thought that others could be found who could do the same... where else would be a better place to start than a therapy group dedicated to potential candidates? [hr] [centre][code]Grand Ridge Academy - Outside the Conference Room[/code][/centre][hr] Of course as in the typical David-like fashion it appeared that he'd missed the start of every relevant incident... With the incident he was oblivious of the actual attack until after he and the others had escaped the nursery, he'd been looking away when the drunk apparently pulled a drawing from the pages of their pad and granted it life... and now again as he was nearing the doorway to the conference room - overhearing the muttering of a conversations in full swing. This was the third freaking time! This was absolute proof in a higher being - one that seemed adamant on David missing the beginning of key events! David paused by the door, he wasn't so blind as to walk in at this moment - it was against his gained knowledge of plots to do so. An interruption now would definitely create an awkward as hell attitude within the room... probably. And so like the days of old that he was so used to, David waited outside the room that the others were within. He could enter once things had died down.