Alina’s uncovered eye widened in surprise as the metal surrounding Twisted Metal expanded to form a small forest of tree-like formations. Whoever this crazy guy was he seemed really strong; the guy with the shadows had already backed away and she saw some other guy who got too close to action get sent flying before the expanding metal blocked Alina’s view of things. Just like she had thought, this was really fun. You didn’t get to see things like this happening in Russia; not outside of Moscow at least. The villains tended to keep a lower profile and the ‘heroes’ were the type who liked to deal with things outside of the public view. Fights, if they happened were quick, dirty and usually very lethal. Japan however liked to add so much flair to proceedings, as if everyone decided to take their anime and superhero comics as inspiration for how to live their life. Her smile grew even sider. Coming here was a good decision. Now someone else was running forward to fight Twisted Metal, somebody with lots of scarves and some fancy goggles. With the way he was running rampant it wouldn’t be long before someone took Twisted Metal down, he was simply attracting too much attention. In fact, it was probably about time for her to leave, before someone noticed her or the mess she had left behind in that alleyway. Maybe she should grab a snack before she left though? As she pushed away from the tree she was leaning against something struck her hard in the back, eliciting a grunt as she stumbling forward a step. Holding a hand to her side she turned to face her attacker, seeing a mysterious cloaked figure military-like helmet and facemask. He’d punched her in the back and then ran away, taking a position several feet away and taking a ready stance. Fool. If you have the drop on someone you should finish them off. [color=fff200]“Owwww, that was rude!”[/color] The pain was already fading to nothing. A recently fed Alina was a dangerous thing indeed. [color=fff200]“I was having fun too. Hmm, I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”[/color] No sooner than had she finished speaking Alina opened her jaw as wide as possible as her hidden appendage shot forward to close the distance between her and the mystery man, aiming to snap closed over his facemask and pull him forward. [@Guy0fV4lor] ---- Reaching the edge of the park Shingo slid to a stop as Twisted Metal’s quirk exploded outward, covering a sizeable area with branching metal structures. One branch in particular lashed out at someone who got too close and send them flying into a building nearby; the wall caved inwards under the force of the impact and whoever it was who got hit ended up in someone’s kitchen. [color=f7941d]“Holy shit!”[/color] Running towards the slowly clearing dust cloud, Shingo stepped up to the hole to peer inside and see if anyone needed help. Or was even still alive. [color=f7941d]“Anyone in need of assistance in there?”[/color] [@Skinner35]