[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TjK9IKd.png[/img][/center] The rhythmic click-clank of boots striking the polished granite floors echoed through the hallway as Travis Murdock traversed the long corridor leading to the Hounds of Humanity’s situation room. In the hours since launching the attacks that leveled three American cities, the people had begun rising up against the organization that had been responsible. Cells in Mexico, Las Vegas and Pacific Point, among others had fallen under attack, and even the President of the United States himself had come out threatening to rain hell down upon the heads of the Hounds. It was a challenge that he looked forward to meeting head on. Upon entering the situation room, Murdock immediately made his way over to the large computer array in the center of the room where Clancy and a few others were gathered looking over the reports that were coming in from numerous cells throughout the country. “Status report.” He said to no one in particular as he briefly glanced at the vast computer array. “More of the same, sir.” Clancy said. “We’ve been under siege all over the country. Pacific Point, Vegas, New York and Boston cells have all reported losses. We were also attacked by an unknown paramilitary outfit in Mexico, and it looks as if the same group, or at least an affiliated group has attacked the warehouse district here in Lost Haven.” “Interesting. Anything else?” Murdock asked coolly, if he were angry over the losses they’ve suffered recently, he wasn’t showing it. “Yes sir. Since the President declared war on us, we’ve suffered total cell collapse in Miami, Baltimore, and San Francisco. Also, the weapons cache in Chicago is currently under attack by a marine task force. I’ve calculated that they’ll be a total loss in under an hour.” “Damn it.” Murdock spat out. “Does anybody have any good news?” “Perhaps. The heroes have proven to be predictable, and as you suspected they’ve gathered outside of Sherman Center in Lost Haven.” Clancy told him. “Ah yes, Arthur always was a creature of habit. What do you say we not keep them waiting? Let’s hit them with everything we’ve got.” Murdock said. “Now.” [center]***[/center] Within moments of the order being given, the Hounds of Humanity had mobilized. From the hidden base just outside of Lost Haven, nearly a dozen Black Scorpion series assault choppers lifted off and headed into the city. The futuristic helicopters made the Apache class crafts look like sight seeing helicopters that you might see at a state fair. The Black Scorpions were heavily armed, however, despite the machine guns and missiles that they adorned the craft, each one also came equipped with a bunked buster bomb, capable of destroying enemy encampments even meters underground. Following behind the Black Scorpions were several dozen trucks, each loaded with Hounds of Humanity foot soldiers. The wave of heavily armed vehicles raced from their secret base to Sherman Square. The traveled at a high rate of speed and with little abandon, forcing other motorists who were unfortunate enough to be in their way off of the road, and early running down a number of pedestrians who were caught in their path. Several blocks East of Sherman Square, the ground shook as half a dozen Hounds of Humanity troops piloting large mech suits that stood nearly a story tall rumbled toward the gathered heroes. Each of the mechs were equipped with two mini guns as well as a pair of rocket launchers. Taking up the lead toward Sherman Square was the armored Hound known as The Judicator, and the man known as The Revelator followed just behind the mechs in an armored transport van. [center]***[/center] From the bunker, Murdock watched as his army advanced on the heroes gathered at Sherman Square. Excitement washed over him as his forces moved in to finally finish what he had started weeks ago. To finish what he set out to do the day that he lost his family. From the camera in one of the Black Scorpion cockpits, he was able to see what the pilots saw, and what he saw made him grin. A collection of heroes gathered just in front of Sherman Center, though the gathering of heroes looked to be anything but a cohesive unit. From the looks of things, they not only hadn’t agreed on a plan of action, but they looked to be arguing with one another. [i]Idiots.[/i] Murdock thought to himself as a grin formed across his face. “Take them out, now.” Murdock said coolly. “Open fire.” And the collective forces of the Hounds of Humanity did just that, firing off an opening volley that rained destruction down on not only the gathered heroes, but on Sherman Square as a whole.