Alice smoothed a few of the wrinkles in the black lace that accented the green and black gown. Her own raven hair swept up into a shy knot on the back of her head with a few ribbons made of the same cloth to add some color. It was very kind for Dalton to hold a ticket for her, though Alice had little doubt he would rather Liza be in her place. Though, she said the frilly wasn't for her. Alice could see Liza in a sleek gown perhaps a risque cut up to her tight, A low bodice that showed just enough to be daring yet retain modesty. Oh, it would be lovely to work on such a gown. Though with Liza's slim neck, Alice thought she might look better in a high collar and her hair up in a bun. Something to make Dalton's jaw drop. Her mask was in her lap as she mussed and smoothed the ribbons. Lifting it to her face as they went outside she tied it so the ends and knot were tucked into the bun. Making it hard for any who wished to remove it. Giving her roommate a small smile with lips that had been painted red, Alice chuckled slightly. Her blushing cheeks only thusly partly make-up. The emerald eyes highlighted by dark black lining and light green shadowing. Looking over Liza shyily. "I- have been meaning to ask this. Am I- Are we-? Is it true vampires live forever? Immortal?" Her voice was timid and a barely audible whisper.