[quote=@Jerkchicken] Cool so it's linear growth [/quote] Yeah, I don't know if that will be balanced or not in the end as some Roles will likely have more skills than others but it's what I have for now. Edit #1: Fixed a typo, Elfein's gain 10% health per turn not just 10. That way it scales. Might also change Draken's skill as it kind of sucks. In other knew got a message from manapool, he won't be able to join us so we're down a member but that's fine I'll try to balance encounters based on the party size whatever it is. Edit #2: Changed Draken skill to something more useful, same name though. [u]Race Passive Abillity[/u] Hot Scales - A Draken's scales are hard and spark like flint, strikes against a Draken's scales can be used to ignite flammable objects. So basically you could set someone aflame if they're covered in oil or if there's a flammable gas nearby. Could be taken advantage of either from nature or by purchasing/crafting oil bombs (will be making craftable items a thing at a later date)