[color=a0410d][h1]Jerod Staudinger[/h1][/color] [hr] Jerod noted the continued attempts to get under his skin, more obvious now since she was continuing to use the full title he technically was entitled to despite remarks to the contrary. Reigning in his irritation over the insistence of using the full name, he remarked rather dryly before the newcomer fellow started prattling on. [color=a0410d]"Why, such a sense of humor! And here I was wondering why the Crown Prince kept you around. That razor sharp wit would be remiss in employ elsewhere."[/color] Jerod listened to Sordan introduce himself and his goals. Get back to Tellius, regroup, and follow orders from there. Though, as he continued, he intended to stay with the group and provide further pragmatic minds, which was a welcome addition. Though, by the very nature of a pragmatic minded individual, he didn't trust this man any farther than he could feasibly throw him. Just because he talked sense didn't mean he had any reason to trust the Tellius swordsman, but he kept his quiet on that. Wouldn't be the first time he was expected to work alongside untrustworthy individuals, hell, as far as some people were concerned, a sellsword couldn't afford to trust anyone more than their coin was worth. Speaking of trust, the Crown Prince brought back out both the damn fool of a hero, who introduced herself as Lyn, and some stray that Lyn had stumbled across while he was unconscious. [color=a0410d]"So, will he have the common decency to wait until we are asleep before slashing our throats, or will be he rude enough to try and slip a dagger in our backs while we are awake?"[/color] Keerin can leer all she wants, but Jerod clearly was going to call out the lunacy of bringing along someone who Lyn had found, unconscious, and had no knowledge of outside of being a traveler of some sort. Either way, the Crown Prince seemed to not mind at all, cementing Sordan's point, and declared their next destination before heading off. This was going to be one hell of a job, the sellsword thought darkly as he followed after them. [hr] Jerod had been keeping a very close eye on the two newest of the group, Mark more than Sordan but a close eye was kept none the less. Which was made difficult when it was recommended they split up to buy the supplies needed, and he was left with Sordan. Well, at least one of them was still being observed, Jerod considered, and he was about to figure out where they would go for what they were responsible for when they were approached by a cavalier of sorts. Remarking after the beauties in their company, the damn fool Lyn in specific, and how they were blessed to have such company. Great, so now they had the attention of some womanizing, jumped up Cavalier lusting after the women in their group, and the two of them were stuck dealing with it. Jerod had half a mind to just shrug and walk off, but the remark on the Crown Prince demanded some sort of response. [color=a0410d]"Not nearly as fortunate as you might think, they aren't worth the trouble in pursuing, yet the boss keeps them on the payroll. And your asking after the odd hair colored fellow, yeah? No, probably not, and he's given us an ear full over it already on the way here when I asked. Apparently resembles some noble prick's kid, poor sod. He gets enough grief over it as is, so I'd recommend letting it be, it has really been wearing his temper thin as of late."[/color] Despite having not liked the man's tone in remarking on the women folk of the group, or his potentially recognizing the Crown Prince, he kept an off hand, almost distracted tone as he responded to the green wearing Cavalier. Hopefully he'd get the point and toss off, and they could go about gathering supplies for the road ahead. In fact, he actively dismissed the man by turning to Sordan and speaking to him directly, though not making enough detail apparent the intrusive Cavalier could involve himself further. That being said, he didn't expose his back to the man, turned enough to dismiss him, but not so much as he lost sight of him in his peripheral vision. [color=a0410d]"Right, we have our orders, same as the others. Shall we get going?"[/color] [@PaulHaynek][@Sho Minazuki]