[color=598527]"Archaeo-Tech Technology is redundant, ma'am. I will reserve bludgeoning actions for uncommon mutants."[/color] Whether Ansgar was being sarcastic or not was lost through the rebreather he wore, muffling the tone of voice he had when responding to the psyker's request for him to not use the weapon as a hand to hand substitute. However, the spikes that weren't stopped by the Rhino or the psyker's shield nearly hit the Grenadier, a sidestep narrowly avoiding the unpleasant death by impalement. Raising the Galvanic rifle, he fired shots into the mutant as he walked backwards, orders overruling his desire to get close enough to lob the necessary volume of explosives onto the impaled thing to kill it. Beyond that, it was relatively smooth moving to the Rhino and, once everyone was aboard, shot off at a rather fitting speed. Spotting the Apothecary at the controls, the Krieger didn't question it, since while he was not familiar with any of the Astartes outside one Chapter, he assumed there was a good reason for the medical expert to be driving. Lacking the advanced scanning equipment, connections to the Rhino's sensors, or any other means to detect anything outside the hull of the transport, all Ansgar could do was sit and wait. The remark that the Celestian made on halting the Chaos invasion or being dead by the Emperor's side was a welcome one, at least by the Kriegsman. [color=598527]"In death, Atonement."[/color] The remark was the tail end of the Litany of Sacrifice, and the idea of charging head long into death was neither foreign or unwelcome as far as Ansgar was concerned. Then again, some of the others of the group may take exception to that, but it was not his place to attempt to fix that. When told that they would fight from inside the Rhino, it took him some moments to realize that the vehicle had a hatch for passengers to be able to fire out of. It also dawned on him that, due to his height, he couldn't actually reach the top hatch for firing out of the vehicle, as it clearly was designed for power armor in mind. [color=598527]"Ma'am, it may be wise to disembark if we encounter hostile forces in numbers requiring more firepower than is already provided. The top firing hatch seems intended for power armored individuals, who have the extra height to be able to fire out effectively."[/color] Addressing the Celestian, Ansgar stood inspecting the Galvanic rifle he was in temporary custody of, ignoring the intense gaze that was being given to him by the Tech-Priestess Malig. Ansgar was under no disillusion that his short height was going to make fighting from inside the Rhino effectively impossible for him, reducing the amount of effective firepower while mounted inside the vehicle by one. Until then, he had to do the one thing most Guardsmen would agree to hating, wait. Wait and see what happened next.