[center][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180429/f27dc292b73404123f9f6d6a773722c1.png[/img] [b]From Yokohama to Eferion[/b] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cnYFJrk.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Yokohama, Japan[/b] 5:00 PM - Various Locations[/color][hr][/right] [indent]It was a sleepy weekday afternoon in Yokohama, Japan. Though there seemed to be nothing of note happening in the streets of the city but little did four denizens of the second largest city in the archipelago know, it was going to be the day that changed their lives forever. Tokuda Toshinari, Ikazuchi Hiroko, Izuna Sakuya, and Nishikawa Kaito did not know each other. They were not individuals who had gone to the same high school or held any significant relationship with one another. They were bondless strangers, but as the clock struck six o’clock in Yokohama, all four of them would experience something they all would share and would all link them together for better or for worse. For each of them it would be different, depending on where they were at a given time or what they were exactly doing. All it would take was opening a door to go to the bathroom, closing their eyes in transit, or something similarly mundane. Magical energy would surge through them and for a minute they would lose consciousness before they stumbled, fell, or rolled down earthen grass in a location they would soon find unrecognizable. Anything they had on them would be sent with them and their bodies would ache as divine energy shot through their body in a quick second. They might’ve not been able to tell as their bodies slammed into a dirt mound or the base of an oak tree or a lone boulder in the wooded area that was far removed from their native Japan. Though it would be a slightly painful realization as the four Japanese adults entered the world of Eferion. Though there would be nobody to greet them nor would there be any explanation given to them by any divine force. How they would come to their senses and speak with each other was certainly going to be interesting. But it would be a long time indeed before they would have any inkling of why they were where they were. Though, being tossed from your bus ride down an earthen hill, stumbling from your bathroom to a forest, blinking with video game controller in your hand to suddenly be face to face with a giant rock... these were all different things that took prominent concern rather than why and where they were, of course. It was fortunate that the magic that had surged through their bodies had given them a little more endurance and vitality then they had as Japanese washouts. To a point.[/indent]