[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9999ff]Virginia Crypt[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s17.postimg.org/ka8uqfrzj/bella-heathcote-gif-2.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=#9999ff]Location[/color][/b]: Russian Imperial Circus Tent City (Regent's Park) - Veta's Tent ---> Stable [b][color=#9999ff]Skills[/color][/b]: N/A [/center][hr] Virginia was comforted as well that word would be sent back - it would surely reach her brother. She could then perhaps send instructions for Alfred as well. He may have been a butler, but he was practically family. He had helped to raise Virginia and now, he was raising James as well. Virginia wished for him to be informed, just in case Alfred would decide to see if he could throw his lot in with the circus as well. She had become distracted by her thoughts and only removed herself from them once Mary had seen to it that she was securely seated. [color=#9999ff]"You need not address me as my lady,"[/color] Virginia said with a smile, yet she did as instructed and she held on. She hadn't any skills in riding and she had no desire to be trampled to death by a horse. While it had made the short list in her favorite ways to die, she wasn't in a rush to shuffle off her mortal coil. And there was something exhilarating about riding as well, with Virginia wishing that she had been taught such a skill. Perhaps that would be something she could be instructed in, once these dangerous times had come to an end.