Hmm, so I've got two tentative concepts. Would either of these fly? If so, which one'd be more welcome? 1) IRL, they person feels like they've no control of their life. Maybe they're just a cog in the machine of corporate life, maybe they're a teen whose parents are going through a breakup, maybe they're a very sickly person bound to bed most of the time (would explain why they have a lot of free time to play). Either way, they have no control of their life. So, online, they play that asshole who preys on the newbs and the non-combatants of the game. Shows up, beats them up, steals their gear. Well-experienced in the game, since it's been their outlet for a while. With the release of Headhunt, though, they're at a loss - if they keep doing what they do, they will be flagged and hunted down. This idea could be either a girl or a guy, depends. 2) Undercover cop/private detective/etc. who is investigating the disappearances. Not trusting the usual players with such a grave matter, he decided to try and pose as a singer girl in Haven to see if he could gather any clues or lure out the kidnappers. Trouble is, he isn't really well-versed with technology like this, so he makes stupid mistakes while trying to blend in. Messes up a lot. Especially when he now has to pretend to be an early-twenties singer girl. As... a dude in his early thirties.