Hey [@Omega Man], I'm pretty interested in this RP and right now I'm trying to make Vigilante, based off the cowboy dude that appeared in the JLU cartoon. I want to make him a full Leaguer considering the dearth of them you seem to have right now, but I'm having a bit of a problem feeling out how powerful he should be. The way I see it, there are really two main types of Justice League Heroes, fighters and Batman. Fighters are everyone who isn't named Batman, with actually useful powers and equipment that allows them to fight people like Darkseid. Then there's Batman, master tactician and planner who doesn't actually need to throw hands to get things done. My problem with creating Vig is I think it'd spoil his character a bit to just hand him superpowers, and making Batman-But-A-Cowboy would feel dumb. My solution to this is to give him a list of useful equipment that lets him actually be effective in combat against League villains instead of just being a cowboy who walked into the wrong saloon. I'm wondering: How much is too much? And, as a sampler, here are some of the ideas I was considering: Special Cylinders: In the comics, Vigilante died and was resurrected. No one's really sure exactly how the Resurrection happened(according to Wikipedia), but in my version I'm writing it as if he had a stint of being a cowboy in hell, where he got the handful of magic items. The main one of these would be two special revolver cylinders. One fires infinite bullets that are somewhat weak, the other can fire six golden bullets every forty-eight hours. These golden bullets have the power of a pretty solid Superman punch. Collapsible Rocket Launcher: Developed by Wayne Tech and stored in the saddlebags of his Motorbike. Breaks it out when the situation calls for it. Is this too much? I'd really like to see him involved with the League and I don't really seem him being effective if all he's got is a handful of lead rounds.