[center][h1][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/h1] [img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30400000/Emma-Gifs-3-emma-stone-30493320-500-259.gif[/img] [I]Location: Ville au Camp: Kitchen House Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Sophia looked at Gilbert when he took a drink, and heard him answer Bart's question which she listened to when the Hat gave his reply it was something she did agree with. All she remembered was being in an explosion and that was all that she could remember then waking up here, Sophia took a few more sips from her jar of moonshine. Wincing slightly with each sip, but she didn't finish drinking it she wanted to be respectful and didn't want to appear drunk in front of pretty much everyone. That wouldn't make a good impression on anyone either if she decided to get herself piss drunk. She then decided to simply listen to James and Alicia talking to one another, about her leaving behind a kid and who the father was if she ever did have a kid she couldn't imagine having one with one parent gone or both of them. She got up and set the moonshine that she had back where it was found. Then Sophia turned her head when she saw The Dice coming into the room, requesting The Hat's presence, when Evelina informed them that there was a death that happened with one of the other paradoxes. Luckily as far as she knew it wasn't from anyone in the group she had came with. Sophia was a tad bit tipsy from her drink, but decided to go anyway even if she didn't know Peter Sophia decided to go anyway and pay her respects. She was quiet and respectful during the entire time, and didn't say anything while anyone else who was there did their own respects as well, while she listened to Evelina give Peter's story and how he was in life he did seem like a good guy and wished she could have gotten to know him. When everything was said and done, she decided to go back to the kitchen house and helped prep for dinner as well the best she could do anyway. Having one hand was a tad bit hard to do things, she stopped for a moment and thought back to her last day being alive when she and her just started dating girlfriend Niesha were cleaning out a grease trap in the kitchen. Even though the job itself was dirty it was still nice, wiping a slight tear. Once she was finished prepping the dinner for everyone she made herself scarce, and went to her room for a little bit to just think to herself. But when dinner came to Sophia showed herself once again and made her way into the dinning room, and deciding to join whoever else was there. Sophia ate in silence for awhile before her attention went towards Evelina when she said that they started their training tomorrow, which did get her curious as to what it would entail. She watched Evelina use her dice once more, before putting them away before finally speaking up. [color=6ecff6]"What sort of training does it entail, also what time do we start?"[/color] Sophia finally asked, she was eager to start pulling her weight around.