Alice felt her jaw nearly drop as she stared at the glamorous building. After so long in Benny's and the various streets about Liza's complex... It wasn't that they were bad places, they were just a step below her own shop in wealth. The Timeless was her baby and she would do anything to get the shop back. But this towering penthouse? It was the life she had left for the Timeless. What she had been raised in, even if it was to a lesser extent than this. Alice's life had been one of boarding schools and road that was paved for. Though she had cast it, and the cost that was paid with her soul, for the freedom she had lost when Liam had turned her. "Are we at the right place?" Alice whispered slightly as she stepped form the cab. Fidgeting with the green and black gown. Her hands smoothing wrinkles that were not there. Looking back to the woman who had taken her in. "I'll try to!" The tailor tried her best to give Liza a encouraging smile as she cast a worried look over her gown. Certain it would not hold up to the wonders within that ball. Though she was not about to back down now! Not at this chance to live once more! It was a wine she loved more than the red liquid held within fragile human bodies.