[color=coral] [center] [h2]Boshu Sen'Yo[/h2] [hr] Amegakure Great Hall - Still got time to chin-wag[/center] [/color] [center]Mentions: [@Kalas] [@Kheliop] [@Ganryu] [/center] Boshu's expression remained as Homuru responded to her initial greeting, intending to follow what he'd just said, but before they could have a laugh of their own about anything the third and fourth members of the squad arrived. Unlike Homuru, Boshu was more than ready to engage chatty and open folk in conversation, but of course she let her masked companion finish talking first so not to cut him off. As she waited she briefly heard an utterance that sounded a bit like her last name, causing her to glance the direction it came but ultimately she couldn't tell if it was actually someone saying her name or if it was someone called Sen being referenced, it didn't really matter at the moment as it was anyway, so she could worry about it later. A brief glance over the two of them brought on a briefly concerned expression, of all the potential each village had at their disposal, was it really a good idea to send who looked so young and inexperienced? Yeah, there had been a war not long ago that they likely participated in, but they wouldn't have done much with their apparent ages, even Boshu didn't get into much of the meat of the war when she was younger. The few major skirmishes she was in gave her enough experience to at least know when someone was pretending to surrender or trying to flee the battlefield. Homuru was considered a veteran like her, so she could trust that he'd keep at the task at hand regardless of what happened for sure, fresh-faced folk like these two? Who knew whether or not they would run at the first sign of danger? But Boshu hid her reservations about the two by shifting her expression from it's concerned gaze to one matching the confident smile she wore before. [color=Coral]"Well, Kinzo and Miyu, I can see some good potential in both of you and I bet this mission will bring it out. I'm Boshu Sen'Yo, hunter of beasts and generally a friendly kinda person. And he may not be allowed to say what he can do, but Homuru's talents will shine through exactly when they're needed, you have my assurance on that matter. Now get cosy you two, we've got a briefing to listen to once everyone's here."[/color] Of course Boshu would listen in case either of them had any further questions, but it looked like a majority of the squads numbers had arrived already, no doubt the briefing would begin [i]very[/i] soon.