[color=Silver][center][h2][b]Kinzo Uragiri[/b][/h2][/center][/color] [color=Silver][center][sup]Raijin Dynasties | Chunin | Squad 3[/sup][/center][/color] [hr] [indent][color=Silver][sup]Location: Amegakure Great Hall | Interaction: Boshu, Homuru, Miyu[/sup][/color][/indent] While he waited for the responses from his teammates, and the arrival of the last member of their squad, Kinzo took a moment to let his eyes wander around the gathering crowd. The amount of shinobi gathered was the largest he had ever been apart of and it was almost as mind boggling as his arrival to the sky piercing city had been. Scattered throughout the hall he could make out a few of his fellow Kaminari ninja, many of them were older than himself and as such were more tense about the whole affair. They had fought against Iwa for a lot longer than he had and that time had allowed their hatred to grow and fester. He was actually grateful that none of them ended up as the fourth member of his squad, it would have created unnecessary strain. It was while he was scanning the crowds that his gaze met another pair of eyes that mirrored his own. Except there was a large x branded across the right one. Sakana Uragiri. Once the prodigy of their clan, his allegiance now flew with the Iwa, as if banishment wasn’t enough the younger Uragiri disgraced himself even further in the eyes of their clan when he received asylum from the Empire. Kinzo didn’t care about that anymore than being on a squad with the Stone nin, he was simply disappointed that the prodigy had overestimated himself when he challenged the heir. His attention was soon brought back to his immediate surroundings by the arrival of the final member of his squad. The Hidden Mist shinobi seemed to match her nation perfectly as water was dripping from both her clothing and hair. Upon noticing her weapon he felt grateful, it marked her as a close range fighter which complimented his preferred distance. Even if the other two were similar to him their group had at least one person that would be in the face of any threats they faced. It just meant that it would be his job to give her ample support from a distance. He allowed the two Iwa nin to voice their responses to Miyu’s question before him. Not only were they his senior in age but they also outranked him. The masked Homuru’s reply didn’t surprise him in the slightest, secrecy seemed to ooze out of the man after all. From the tales he had heard he was well aware of the Huntress’s prowess. Her name was well known among the Kaminari. With Boshu finishing Kinzo took a moment to cast his gaze towards the stage, seeing that it remained empty he decided he had the time needed to answer Miyu’s question. [color=silver]”It is nice to meet you Miyu. I am Kinzo Uragiri. As for my expertise I specialize in mid to long range combat with lightning ninjutsu.”[/color] He paused to turn his dark eyes toward Homuru. [color=silver]”I respect your desire to keep your capabilities to yourself Homuru, but for us to work well as a unit it may be advantageous for all of us to know what the others can do.”[/color]