NEW PRESTIGE SYSTEM EVERYONE. [hr] Each Hero post automatically earns 2 Prestige. If a post is a collab project, it earns an additional +2 Prestige. If a post involves said hero following a Quest, it earns an additional +1 Prestige. If a post finishes a Quest, it earns additional Prestige depending on how many posts it took to finish. If a Quest is started and completed in the same post, completing it grants no additional Prestige. If a Quest is completed in two posts, completing it grants +1 Prestige. If a Quest is completed in three posts or more, completing it grants +2 Prestige. This stacks with the above Prestige-per-post bonus. A Hero may make a small but lasting change to the world around them, beyond what they're normally capable of, by spending 2 Prestige. A Hero may make an impermanent change or perform a single superhuman feat, beyond what they're normally capable of, by spending 1 Prestige. Heroes no longer have levels. Instead of levels, heroes accumulate Titles, which are commemorations of things they've learned, earned, done, or been given. These titles mark a hero's growing depth of experience and wisdom. A new title may be gained by spending 2 Prestige. After that, a title may be levelled up by spending Prestige equal to the next level they reach. So, 2 Prestige grants a title, 2 Prestige raises it from level 1 to level 2, 3 Prestige raises it from 2 to 3, 2+2+3=7 Prestige grants a title and raises it to level 3, and so on. Titles may change their name as they level, but still mark the same kind of experience. Titles can be granted or levelled by gods, for an as-yet-un-figured-out amount of Miracles. Quests can now be assigned by anyone, including random NPCs, but have to be approved before they go live. Heroes cannot complete Quests that they themselves have assigned (as of yet). [hr] Examples! [b]Post 1[/b] Ug the Caveman makes a post in which he clubs everyone in his cave. This earns him 2 Prestige. [b]Post 2[/b] Eventually Ug's cavemates wake up, leave, and send for someone to sort him out. A Quest is started: evict Ug. (Because quests are public but this quest doesn't really apply to Ug, Ug gains the following counterpart: avoid being evicted.) Ggrr the Bear takes up this quest. A fight is collaborated. Ug beats the shit out of Ggrr. Ug and Ggrr each gain 2 Prestige for the post, +2 for collaborating it, and +1 because it was part of the quest. That's 5 Prestige each. Ug now has 7 Prestige, Ggrr has 5. Ug spends 2 Prestige to gain the title: [i]Ug, who beats the shit out of bears.[/i] This commemorates the fact that he has beaten the shit out of a bear. Ug then levels up this title to level 2 with another 2 Prestige, and to 3 with his remaining 3 Prestige. He's a pretty tough caveman! [b]Post 3[/b] Dismayed by her loss, Ggrr sets about studying mathematics. She spends 2 Prestige to gain the title: [i]Ggrr, mechanical engineer.[/i] She levels it up with another 2 Prestige, to level 2. Ggrr has 1 Prestige remaining. She hopes to use this skill against Ug! Because the post was written for that purpose, Ggrr gains a bonus +1 Prestige on top of the 2 Prestige for her post, leaving her at 4 total. [b]Post 4[/b] Ggrr and Ug meet again. Thanks to Ug's proven ability to beat the shit out of bears, Ggrr is hesitant to face him in open combat. However, with her newfound engineering prowess, Ggrr has set up an elaborate wooden trap! It's a very large trap that will crash the cave with a landslide. This is a big change! It cost 2 Prestige to make something of such size. Ggrr taunts Ug and Ug comes out to beat the shit out of her again. Ggrr hastily leaves to operate the trap without getting clubbed. This is very hard for someone with no opposable thumbs! She spends 1 Prestige on the feat. Ug is subdued! The quest is complete. Both parties gain 2 Prestige for the post, another 2 for the collab, and another 1 for pursuing their quests. Because Ggrr completed the quest, which lasted 3 turns, she gains an additional +2 Prestige. Ug goes off with 5 Prestige, Ggrr with 8. Ggrr spends 2 Prestige to give herself the title: [i]Ggrr, trapper of cavemen.[/i] She levels up her mechanical engineer title to level 3 for 3 Prestige and changes it to Ggrr, [i]certified[/i] mechanical engineer. She has 3 Prestige remaining. Ug spends 2 Prestige to gain the title: [i]won't be falling for that shit again.[/i] He won't be falling for that shit again, and is now not so easy to trap. He has 3 Prestige remaining. [b]Post 5[/b] Ug's cavemates are pissed that Ggrr has ruined their cave. They want Ggrr to move the rocks out of the way and repay them for their loss. Since this is quite specific and not that major, it doesn't get quest status. Ggrr spends a post lugging rocks and negotiating with cave people. This takes her time and effort but is will within her capabilities, because, unlike Ug, she's A) a certified mechanical engineer and B) a huge ass bear. However, Ggrr also builds a bridge over a nearby river to pay the cave folk back for their troubles. Again, this is pretty hard! She spends 2 Prestige on it. The cave folk love her! Ggrr gains 2 Prestige for the post and remains at 3 Prestige, total. [hr] So hopefully that explains things. Feel free to tell me where I fucked up.