If you've read through the rules on [s]interracial marriage[/s] magical creatures and humans having kids together, the half-critters should make a bit more sense. Rather simplistic list of characters: [list] [*]Monster hunter [*]Berserker [*]Half-manticore medic [*]Ex-slave soldier from the East [*]Thief [*]Half-unicorn archer [*]Militiawoman [*][s]Wannabe Jesus[/s] Paladin son of Solanius [*]Elf mage [*][s]My concession to the godsdamned furries[/s] Samothaur archer [*]Mostly-human wizard [*]Solymic swordsman [*]Fanatical witch hunter [*][s]Religious extremist[/s] Dragon hunter [/list] Not all of the above characters have had the chance to show up but those are the ones owned by semi-active members [@PrinceOfHeaven].